
Thursday, March 26, 2015

God Was An Accident, Humans Were Cloned By Naiwu Osahon

By Naiwu Osahon

The title of this document: ´´God was an accident, humans were cloned,” stands as a theory on its own and a statement to refocus mankind for all time. Naiwu Osahon.

EVOLUTION OR CREATION. Darwin was the first to break from tradition with his theory of evolution. For him a designer was not necessary for plants and animals to adapt to their environment. It could all happen by chance through natural selection. His central point in his ´Origin of Species´ theory was that an unguided process of natural selection, acting on minor variations, is sufficient to produce new species (´speciation”), organs, body plans etc., at least after the origin of life.

Evolutionists insist that creationists are not scientific but emotional. Surely, millions of years must be more than adequate for even the ordinary algae to develop into a monster without assistance. In any case, we now have overwhelming evidence that simple chemical reactions among the compounds available on the early earth were sufficient to drive the process that led inexorably to life.

Obviously, early life didn´t posses DNA or proteins from start. A theory is that early life may have used a single molecule for both information storage and catalysis, a form of self-replicating enzyme. Every living cell on earth today uses DNA to store its genetic information, and proteins (enzymes) catalyze the reactions that the cell needs to live and replicate. RNA (rebonucleic acid found in all living cells) was first put forward 35 years ago as the precursor to DNA and proteins in early life forms but it was soon established that RNA sequences fall far short of the 50 nucleotides required to link up to form life. Today, geneticists see RNA as the go-between for DNA and proteins: a protein is manufactured from an RNA template, which itself was created from a DNA template.

A recent experiment by James Ferris at Resselaer Polytechnic Institute in Tory, New York, USA, shows that RNA sequences can reach 50 nucleotides using a type of clay known as montorillonite (a hydrated aluminosilicate) as both template and catalyst for linking the nucleotides together. A new popular idea is that RNA was not the first replicating molecule; that there was a pre-RNA world from which the RNA world developed. That whatever form this replicator took; it eventually spawned self-replicating RNA, which then went on to usurp its role as the prime replicator on the early earth. It has been suggested that systems of high complexity can develop without any need for a distant store of genetic information. In this scenario, researchers argue that a set of simple small molecules, such as enzymes and amino acid residue carrying out cycles of mutually reinforcing reactions, gradually evolve into greater complexity.

Many biologists thought that the replicating process was a kind of conveyor belt system carrying the proteins in an orderly fashion. That some newly made proteins make their way through a structure known as the Golgi complex enroute to being secreted out of the cell. Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, a researcher at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, USA, used the green fluorescent protein GFP, to follow not only where proteins are moving in a cell, but also where a given protein is present in the largest number. She found that a newly made protein moves through a series of compartments in a cell. When it enters one, it bounces around with other proteins already there, periodically by chance, one of the proteins is bounced to the next compartment. Thus the movement is more akin to the diffusion of a gas than a conveyor belt. Chance, therefore, plays the most significant part in the sustainability process of the initial molecule that becomes coded as a mathematical exactitude and a creation story.

INTELLIGENT DESIGN. Intelligent design people mock the idea of replication. They claim to have a fully functioning automobile capable of replicating itself. That the complexity of the system is complete with GPS navigation, DVD players, and on board WiFi. That this discovery forever alters the once fundamental distinction between life and non-life. On a more serious note, intelligent design group claim that Darwin was more theological than scientific in his argument because he relied on artificial rather than natural selection. That all Darwin could offer was one or two imaginary illustrations, no more. They argue that although domestic breeders have demonstrated for centuries that species can be modified even dramatically by selecting only individuals with desired variations, Darwin wrongly believed that if the process is extended over geological time, it could accomplish much more.

They cite a 1997 evolutionary biologist Keith Stewart Thomson who said: “A matter of unfinished business for biologists is the identification of evolution´s smoking gun, which is speciation, not local adaptation and differentiation of populations.” That the general belief for centuries before Darwin was that species can vary only within certain limits, and that centuries of artificial selection had seemingly demonstrated such limits experimentally. That Darwin needed to prove that the limits could be broken. Logan Gage supporting intelligent design, is not happy with the misleading argument currently dominating the evolution debate. That is the idea of God as an artist who is involved in his work, and the reductionism necessary to Darwin´s theory which is antithetical to the idea of beauty.

Benjamin Wiker on ´Darwin, The Man and the Myth´ argues that Darwin´s reductionism displays the kind of bluntness of soul found in Sigmund Freud, which could reduce the glory of Hamlet to the irrational gurgling of sexual desire. It is the precise bluntness of soul that led Charles Darwin to reduce the origin of music to mating calls and, hence, to the sexual desire that drives sexual selection.” He was referring here to Darwin´s reductionist account of music in ´The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex,´ and claims that Christians think science determines the ´how´ and religion determines the ´why.´ But that what we see in Darwinism is that natural selection swallows up other casual chains. The ´why´ of natural phenomena reduces to ´because it enhanced reproductive success. And beauty – to the artist´s great horror – is no exception.

CREATIONISTS. Religionists are adamant on the creation story and rely mainly on the Genesis account. They point to the beauty, breath, variety, complexity and orderliness of the universe and insist that all these could not have happened by chance. Between May 1996 and April 1997, eight new planets were discovered in our solar system confirming that we are still learning about the universe. What we already know is very intimidating indeed. There are about 100,000 million (some claim 200,000 to 400,000 million) fixed stars in our own galaxy and this is like a dot in our Milky Way of at least twenty galaxies, extending over 600 quadrillion (600,000 million, million miles) in diameter. Our Milky Way, vast as it may appear to be, is only a speck of dust in the vast universe of over 1,500 million galaxies so far recorded. There are all sorts of things out there in the cosmos and humans are far from being the center even of their own Milky Way.

Creationists insist that man could not have evolved from rodents, monkeys or apes. That all species from fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and humans have no connection or link. Among humans, there is no evidence from dug up fossils to link Ramapithecus with Australopithecus or Homo erectus etc., to Homo sapiens. The skull of each specie differs significantly from the others just as that of the chimpanzee differs drastically from that of humans. Creationists liken mutation to accidents that tend to be destructive rather than constructive and do not lead to new species. They quote experiments on the common fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster and the observation of peppered moth colour change) which have not yielded new species so far.

Evolutionists, particularly theistic evolutionists on their part also claim that intelligent design arguments are more theological than scientific. I think Intelligent design promoters are unintelligent people seeking cheap publicity. They are not open to new ideas. When I suggested that I have a different theory from theirs and Darwin´s, they did not want to hear about it. They immediately removed me from their subscription list.

The greatest problem I see concerning Intelligent design as indeed the Christian faith, is their assumption that there is a God or Super Spiritual Being or Entity up there in heaven running a gigantic factory churning out all sorts of species, organs, body plans and all else in creation. Since no two individuals in nature are exactly alike, each with its own unique traits, every thing in the universe, including parts and all, have to be produced piecemeal. One God surely can not handle such enormous responsibility and still find time to create new things, attend to our prayers, relax, eat and sleep. And if as Christians say that God is in our image, he must have aged seriously by now and probably retiring and even perhaps going senile, considering that the universe has been around for 10–20 billion years. He cannot be in our image and continue to efficiently do the work Christians saddle him with, in perpetuity. Therefore, we are being unduly arrogant to expect the entity to be in our image or that every ´intelligence´ in the universe has brain or soul like ours?

CREATION HAS MANY DAUGHTERS. Apart from the reactions of accidentally colliding chemicals of nature, there are several other agencies of creation. Even the tiniest particle has illimitable creative powers, so, dependence on belief and emotions are no longer sufficient. Creativity takes a variety of forms; accidents create, wind creates by blowing seeds about. The four elements (sun, wind, water and earth) create when they mix in different proportions. Information is being exchanged between the elements all the time. Insects and birds create through pollination. Men are not the innovators they think they are. Almost in all areas of human technology, lower forms of living things have created masterpieces.

Penguins, sea turtles, sea iguanas filter excess salt from their drink. We build huge factories doing the same. Sea birds such as gulls, pelicans, cormorants, albatross and petrels use glands in their heads to cleanse their blood of excess salt. Mangrove trees use roots to remove salt from seawater through their membranes. The avinennia mangrove specie removes excess salt with glands underneath its leaves. The male melee bird uses fermenting vegetation buried in mounds, which it checks regularly to maintain heat level of 92 degrees by adding or removing sand, to hatch eggs laid one a week for up to six months period by the female melee. Birds navigate by the sun and stars like clockwork.

Diatoms a microscopic plant keeps accurate time by coming out when tide is out, and going down when tide recedes whether in natural waters or simulated laboratory facilities. Also in the laboratory or ocean, the fiddler crabs come out with low tide darker in colour and retreats at high tide looking pale. Designers of Airplanes adopted several features of birds´ wing curvature to achieve lift off and overcome gravitational pull. Birds have special feathers that pop to avoid stalling and effect stability when wing tilt increases. Air conditioning technique was being used to cool termites´ homes before man thought about it.

Some 500 varieties of electric fish have batteries. The African catfish produces 350 volts of electricity. The South American electric eel can produce as much as 886 volts. Eleven families of a variety of fishes have species with electrical organs. The North Atlantic giant electric ray produces 60 volts of 50-ampere pulses. Jelly fish, scallops, chambered nautilus, dragonfly larvae and some oceanic plankton use jet propulsion to move around. The octopus and the squid shoot themselves forward by using powerful muscles to expel water they have sucked into a special chamber. Chambered nautilus regulates its depth in water by regulating gas and water in its floating tanks. Cuttlefish pumps water out and gas into its cavity to control buoyancy. Its cavity functions like submarine water tanks.

Some trees containing extremely clean water in which ice crystals can form survive in temperatures 40 degree below zero Fahrenheit. Some fish produce own antifreeze to survive in the Antarctica. To avoid freezing too in the Antarctica, some microscopic plants use chemical similar to glycerol used to cool our radiators. Butterflies, birds, dolphins, some pigeons, molluscs, and bees have magnetite and plot their journey using magnetic field. Man´s crude compass first produced in the 13 cent., use magnetic needle floating in water.

Some bacteria make compass with strings of magnetite to locate favourable environment. Wasps, yellow jackets and hornets produce grey paper from chewed up weathered wood to make nests. Hornets use many layers of paper for outer coverings separated by dead-air spaces for insulation as efficient as a 16 inches thick brick wall against heat and cold and hangs it from a tree. Leaf-cutting ants farm fungi in compost of leaves and their droppings. Aphids are kept as livestock in specially built barns by some ants for a sugary honey dew milk.

A fraction change of heat is spotted by the boaconstrictor in 35 milliseconds. The melee bird and bush turkey use beaks to spot one degree Fahrenheit change of atmosphere. A mosquito´s antenna detects change of 1/300 degree Fahrenheit. A rattlesnake uses pits by sides of the head to sense a change of 1/600-degree Fahrenheit. A bacterium spins a cork-screw type stiff spiral twisted together from hair like extensions and looking like a ship propeller to drive itself forward at speeds of up to 30 miles an hour. It reverses too so nature invented a wheel, a rotary engine, complete with coupling, rotating axle, bearings, and rotating power transmission before man did. The railroad worm has a red headlight and 11 white or pale green pairs of windows. Fish such as flashlight, angler, lantern, viper and constellation all have lights so also are certain microorganisms in the ocean beds. Fireflies flash cold light that loses no energy unlike electric bulbs that loose energy. Dolphins and bats have superior sonar to man´s example. They use supersonic sound signals to produce echolocation to avoid objects even in peach darkness. Porpoises and whales do likewise in water.

Oilbirds use echolocation to enter and leave dark caves using sharp clicking sounds as guide. Hay is cut, cured and stored by Pikas and Marmots. Mimosa trees are pruned by a beetle. Seeds are stored in underground granaries by harvester ants. Warm sand serves as incubator for eggs for some birds and sea turtles. There are birds hatching their eggs in the warm ashes of volcanoes. Some alligators cover their eggs with decaying vegetation for heat.

THE COSMOS HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN. Of the 100 million species of animals that have inhabited the earth in the last 3 billion years, only 2 million have survived and they have not necessarily been around all that long. Man is one of the youngest and would disappear too with time. Extraterrestrial beings die. Matter condenses and explodes. Volcanoes are not strange, mountains spew out acid rains now and again, and earthquakes are common phenomena around the world. These are evolutionary processes nature uses to replenish or re-create herself.

In the Guardian newspaper, Nigeria, of February 25, 2000, it was reported that an American geoscientist, Prof. James Kasting of Pennsylvania State University predicted that the earth had entered its final 10 percent life span. That its oceans would disappear in about a billion years due to increased temperatures from a brightening sun. Kasting claimed that before the planet becomes an arid desert, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would be too low to support plant life, destroying the foundation of the food chains. Kasting, who spoke at the yearly meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science said: The sun, like all main sequence stars, is getting brighter with time and that eventually temperatures will become so high oceans will evaporate. At 60o (140oF) water becomes a major constituent of the atmosphere. Much of this water drifts up to the stratosphere and is lost into space. Eventually, all the oceans will leak out of the earth´s grasp.

He went on: “Astronomers always knew that the oceans would evaporate, but they typically thought it would occur only when the sun left the main sequence – that will be in five billion years.” Stars leave the main sequence when they stop burning hydrogen. The sun will then become a red giant, swamping and obliterating mercury. Venus will lose its atmosphere and become a burnt-out planet. However, my calculations show the oceans may evaporate much earlier, said Prof. Kasting. “They are somewhat pessimistic and present a worst-cast scenario, but they say a billion years. The earlier loss of carbon dioxide will occur because as the climate gets hotter and wetter, more rock is weathered by rain. This dissolves carbon dioxide and hides it away on the ocean floor as calcium carbonate.” According to Kasting, “obviously, a billion, even a half billion years, is a long way off in the future. But these models can help us refine our understanding of the time that a planet remains in an orbit where life can exist…”

Man is not the only intelligence even in our Milky Way nor do we have the monopoly of ´Nature´s´ favours. We are not even special in terms of evolution. Nature would just as easily smoulder an ant, as she would man in an earthquake. It is all part of nature´s self re-newal process. But Nature allows herself to be challenged within certain iron-clad laws. It is in this area that man has distinguished himself to become masters of the earth. Arnold Toynbee once said: ´God allows man to be challenged so that in man´s response to the challenge he may come to realize the creative realm of existence.´ Nature welcomes joint creation. Ingenuous ones are incorporated into the schemes of things while the not so ingenuous ones are aborted.

(A) Osahon´s Theory on the Origin of the Species.

Reactions of accidental collisions of chemical compounds in nature in early life, originate primitive creations; good creations keep evolving and creating on their own. Bad ones eventually atrophy or self-destruct because their two plus two adds up to more or less than four. Once coded, creation is locked up in nature and whole or parts cannot alter.

Innovators must operate within given natural or mathematical laws otherwise the creation would be aborted. Cloners need a womb, eggs, male sperm or cells. Man has not been able to evolve artificial substitutes for these yet. Timing of insemination must be dead accurate within ovulation period for the foetus to hold. Man cannot shorten gestation period because less than natural time is premature and has dire consequences. But man has discovered within these rules, areas he can tinker with successfully. Mutation that previously took five to twenty million years to become species now takes hours by man. Man can now change the genetic schemata of any given species literally overnight.

Scientists are now able to splice together genetic materials of any two organisms to create DNA chimera similar to the Biblical chimera with the lion head, goat body and serpent tail. In fact, man can now splice together organisms of man and mouse to create a monster man-mouse. This is one of the dangers posed by molecular engineering. No one can say what any end result would turn out to be, a monster or a wimp? Research is on already to produce viruses that eat oil spill but what if one of these viruses finds its way into the tank of an aircraft in flight? Some recent successes in molecular engineering involve splicing bacteria with appropriate instructions to turn out quantities of enzymes, hormones, antibodies and other chemicals necessary for the treatment of disease. They are already trying to create insulin-producing bacteria to inject into individuals deficient in insulin. Man can now assemble and disassemble cells, isolate and synthesize genes, override natural instructions of a cell nucleus and is on the verge of remaking himself to fulfill his hopes, dreams, and ambitions for himself. In other words, to play God.

Extraterrestrial intelligence with thousands of years of technical superiority manipulated and cloned humans through genetic engineering over a period of thirteen million years just as humans have now started cloning animals and are about cloning man. The aliens continued to come back at intervals of interstellar travel time to improve on our intellectual capacity and physical bearing through genetic manipulation, selection and elimination process. Darwin called it survival of the fittest. It has been more pronounced with humans. Evidence of our relatively speedy evolution genetically abound. Animals physically closest to humans - monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, essentially have not improved intellectually or changed significantly in shape since first appearance. Yet they appeared in creation millions of years before humans.

Humans have continued to evolve for 13 million years if we accept the evolution theory, or 100,000 years as Homo sapiens, with bigger brains and more attractive mien. In the last couple of thousands of years, aliens have concentrated their manipulative techniques on living with us to teach us rudimentary technology and improve on our genes through sexual intercourse with our daughters. This is understandable since we only recently started looking less like chimpanzees and more like the intelligent, sexually and physically desirable Homo sapiens that we have become.

Extraterrestrial beings (perhaps Martians before atrophy) achieved this technological feat with Homo sapiens a hundred thousand years ago by working principally on the human brain size in over thirteen million years of cloning us from chimpanzees and themselves. They appear to have aimed at two possible choices. To produce physically handsome beings (relative to how they look) and with quality organs. They obviously wanted intelligent beings but not geniuses immediately, so as to be able to manipulate us and use our organs and body parts for a while for their survival. If we had been smarter than our makers from the beginning, we would not have seen them as Gods. We have started catching up with them intellectually, which is responsible for this revelation now.

There are several other worlds, subtle and physical. The Jewish ´world´s four-fold structure concept´ claims that: “The world of our present consciousness is only one out of many worlds of consciousness that exists, and that those other worlds must contain experiences, which have a meaning for our life also; and that although in the main their experiences and those of this would keep discrete, yet the two become continuous at certain points, and higher energies filter in.”

Although the origin of Extraterrestrial beings may be difficult or impossible to verify now, it is not difficult to imagine that they evolved well before us. Mounting evidence suggests their evolution from deep cosmic history. Myths, documents and powerfully engaging stories abound throughout history about the exploits of celestial beings that include, even if in jest, lumps of thick, sloppy, jelly-like thinking beings, and ugly, smart, robot-like humanoids, processing food in their bodies like plants do, and terrorizing us with their flying discs or objects. Loads of sightings have been reported by credible observers and military aircrafts from around the world, and there is incontrovertible evidence of the aliens´ technical assistance in our new found attempts to conquer space. It appears as if the self appointed policing governments of the world are hiding things to keep the rest of us in check for as long as possible.

Extraterrestrial beings may have evolved from some jelly-like substances and have, like a chain re-action, been creating other beings across the universe. Each celestial race appears to have cloned another across planetary worlds and tinkered with the mien and brain sizes of their clones, perhaps in the hope of creating super-specimens. That is the only satisfactory scientific way to explain the human brain size that kept increasing from one evolution to the other. Our brains were obviously being manipulated in the laboratory of the race we call Extraterrestrial beings that separated us from our chimpanzee family through cloning, and taught us to walk on two rather than all fours, and moralized us.

(A1) Osahon´s Theory on Human Origin.

Humans were cloned.

As Homo-sapiens, we appear to be the most recent and physically most attractive beings in the cosmos so far, but not the most intelligent. We are like cultured dolphins compared to our super-intelligent, God-like cloners, but we are learning and growing albeit slowly. In time, we too would begin to clone a new race on another planet. We are looking for evidence of life to adapt on Mars and the Moon already, and would do the same on other celestial bodies within range of our orbital flight of fancy, ambition, and technical competence.

The space visitors played a significant part in civilizing and moralizing us over the years, the later as a way of controlling our excesses and behaviors generally. There are the virtuous and the not so virtuous aliens. The virtuous ones apparently want us to become more spiritual so as to fit into the cosmic scheme of the universe. But the speed of our evolutionary spiritual growth is left to us individually. The not so virtuous aliens have been controlling us physically for some three thousand years now at least. They claim to need our organs for their survival. Their leader is Yahweh, the Deity created for world manipulation. The God who claims to hate the rest of mankind particularly the Africans and is, therefore, not listening to those he rejected, even when they pray as Christians and Muslims.

For thousands of years we revered extraterrestrial beings. Even now that we have achieved the rudiments of their technology, we do not see them yet as con artists, usurping the role of the ´Spiritual Energy Field.´ They still visit us. We now call them UFOs and their activities are still shrouded in secrecy as in the past because our spiritual elite with access to them, hides the secret from the rest of mankind. In fact, they are with us right now, transferring technology and collaborating in our space programme and computer technology explosion. They have admitted that they created (cloned) us and also that they control us with religion, Satanism, witchcraft, magic and occult powers. What this means is that when we tap spiritually into the various energies in space by (telepathy, prayers, magic, meditation, rituals, or other gestures and means) we are not reaching out to God the Almighty or any Ultimate Spiritual Being but spiritual space transmitters used for our control through electromagnetism. Apparitions are space tricks with mirrors, alien intelligence has said so much and more already but you do not believe this and so might want to ask: If the space men or gods created us, who created them? If your answer is, God did, then one must ask you the ultimate question: who created God? Who created who created? There is no end to the questions is there?

THE PHI (1.618). Both creationists and evolutionists make sense because Nature is the mid way house between the two. ´Creation´ and ´evolution´ are not mutually exclusive in Nature. They both work together in form of coded mathematical principles that say, if ´a´ happens ´b´ sequence must follow. Nature is like a synthesizer, breaking everything thrown at her into learnt or fixed mathematical properties to throw back. Initial creations happen by accident and only the sound creations endure through evolution. With the unsound or unhealthy, Nature is out of balance until the freak self-destructs. Mathematical code is embedded in ´a´ happening, whether by chance or through a mirage of facilities and possibilities, and when it happens, it triggers the mathematical code for its consequences. Dr. Stephen Meyer´s book: Signature in the cell: DNA and evidence for intelligent design, published June, 2009, said nothing new, information is being coded all the time in the DNA to facilitate replication of healthy evolutionary creations. ´Chance´ has built in mathematical probability too. One in a million chances perhaps, but still a mathematical entity.

Pythagoras agreed that number influenced the creation of the world. He claimed that “while number escapes the limitation of time and space, they play vital roles in two areas. While freaks are possible in nature, i.e., fish walking on earth or birds swimming in deep water, two plus two would always equal four.” Plotinus adds that: “besides intelligence, and anterior thereto, exists Essence. It contains Numbers, with which it begets (beings): for it begets them by moving according to number determining upon the numbers before giving hypostatic existence to the (beings) just as the unity (of essence) precedes it (existence) and interrelates it with the First (or absolute Unity.)”

There is a conscious aspect to all atom (a peculiarly fixed intelligence) linking with all the conscious properties of the entire cosmos to form a universal energy field with the properties of electromagnetism, gravity, strong and weak nuclear as its ultimate arsenal in a unified state. This is Tu-SoS or En-Sof of the Jews, the Boundless, the Limitless, the One Source, the spiritual force field.

The mathematical codes embedded in Nature affect everything that happens in Nature progressively as in the Fibonacci sequence where the follow-up number is the sum total of the previous two numbers (i.e. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,…. etc.) A progression famous not only because the sum of the adjacent terms equal the next term, but also because the quotients of the adjacent terms contain the almost magical property of approaching the ´Divine proportion (i.e. the number 1.618 or PHI.) The PHI was probably first unravelled by Thoth (Hermes Trismegistus) the great African inventor of mathematics and letters, and is manifest in all the masterpieces and stupendous feats of ancient Egyptian civilization. The pyramids of Egypt, for instance, had it. The ubiquitous nature of PHI transcends mere coincidence so ancient Egyptians concluded not only that the PHI was preordained but also that they had stumbled across ´God´s´ building block for the world. Early scientists heralded the PHI or 1.618 as the Divine Proportion. The uncanny aspect of PHI is its role as Nature´s fundamental building block. Animals, plants, and even human beings all possess dimensional proportions that adhere with eerie exactitude to the ration of PHI to 1.

In humans, for instance, the distance from the top of the head to the floor divided by the distance from the belly button to the floor is PHI. Also, the distance from the shoulder to the finger tips divided by from the elbow to the fingertips is PHI. The PHI is also in finger joints, toes and the spinal divisions. In any honeybee community, the number of female bees divided by the number of male bees is PHI. The ratio of each spiral diameter to the next in the pumping of gas into the nautilus chambered shell to adjust its buoyancy is PHI. Insect segmentation obeys the rule of the Divine Proportion as do the pinecone petals and leaf arrangement on plant stalks. PHI is what makes reality natural.

A2) Osahon´s Theory on Perfection of Things.

Perfection in nature is achieved when accidental creations evolve to PHI proportions.

In fact, reality is ugly, faulty, out of shape, unbalanced, unnatural without the Divine Proportion. Almost all great creations or profound works of art and inventions have the PHI embedded in them, not necessarily always by conscious design. Once the Divine Proportion is present, whether by accident or otherwise, loud, subtle, or unobtrusive in dimension, the result is always a masterpiece, wholesome and beautiful to behold in nature and in other physical entities. When we say something is a masterpiece, we are saying that nature could not have done a better job. The near perfect our creation is, the more it is PHI compliant.

The Greek temple built in honour of their Gods; the UN building in New York, have PHI in their architectural dimensions. In music generally, the melody we get depends on the tonal mix. If we vary the proportions we get other qualities of rhythms and melodies. The greatest of them all always have the PHI in their organizational structures. Mozart´s sonatas, Beethoven´s fifth symphony, Schubert, Bartok, and Debussy, all adhered strictly to PHI. Stradivarius used PHI to calculate the exact placement of the F-holes in the construction of his famous violins.

Leonardo da Vinci exhumed corpses to confirm the Divine Proportions in human anatomy. A devout Nature worshipper, he claimed to have had the alchemic power to turn lead into gold and the elixir of life to postpone death. He enjoyed taking the mickey out of life and produced some rare, mind-boggling weapons of death and torture during his time. He was forever incorporating hidden symbolisms in his art, most of which were masterpieces. His, the Vitruvian Man (named in honour of Marcus Vitruvius, the famous Roman architect who in his book: Architectura, praised the Divine Proportion) adhered strictly to PHI. The Vitruvian Man consists of a perfect circle around a nude male with arms and legs outstretched. The circle is the feminine symbol of protection and when put around a naked man means gender unity and harmony.

Words and numbers have mystical properties, which ancients manipulated in PHI proportions to achieve their outlandish feats. Kabbalah draws heavily from this ancient art through the anagrams-rearrangement of Hebrew words and letters to derive new meanings. The Romans described anagrams study as ars magna, meaning the great art, and Kings of the French Renaissance relied on anagrams´ magic power by appointing royal anagrammatists (or words rearrangers and analyzers) to help facilitate good decision-making.

ATHEISTS. Atheists jumped on Darwin´s theory of evolution to argue that God never existed in the first place or that if He ever did He is now dead. Nietzsche pronounced God dead and that His death removed an obstacle to man´s progress. Thomas Altizer and William Hamilton, leading other Christian Atheists said God became man in Jesus and died. Jean Paul Sartre argued that if God were to exist, man would have no free will. That, in any case, the idea of God is a contradiction in terms because a being cannot be the cause of his own being. It is impossibility. Ludwig Feuerbach insisted that God is simply man´s projection of his own best qualities. That when we think we are worshipping God, we are actually worshipping our nature in its perfect form. Sigmund Freud is convinced that God is an imaginary father figure, and described religion as immature delusion. Karl Marx derided religion as delusion. Humanists call it evasion of grown up confrontation with life. A belief in progress now, replacing a belief in paradise tomorrow. August Comte argued that religion belonged to the primitive phase in the process of the development of the human mind. According to Comte, ´we are now in the positive age, that is the age of positive science. The mind of the modern man (the man in the age of science) is no longer preoccupied with religious questions or religious explanations of the world.

I THINK, THEREFORE, I AM. Descartes, 17th century philosopher, separated humans from other animals in his dictum, “I think, therefore, I am.” In support, Pope Pius XII wrote in the encyclical, Humani Generis in 1950 that the Roman Catholic Church was not against the study of evolution as it relates to physical traits, but that “Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God.” Pope John Paul II made similar point in a message to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (a Vatican´s advisory group) in which he said that although evolution had become “more than a hypothesis” in the last couple of years, considering the mind as emerging merely from physical phenomena is “incompatible with the truth about man.” But what is the truth about man?

Evolutionary biologists and cognitive neuroscientists have begun to find in their studies of brain structures, physical correlation to feelings like empathy, disgust and joy, (correlates from which moral sense emerge), not just in humans but in animals too. The evidence is that moral reasoning is a result of physical traits that evolve along with everything else and animals can exhibit emotions and patterns of cognition like humans. The journal ´Nature,´ in its editorial of July 2007, said that the idea that human minds are the products of evolution is unassailable, fact. The journal´s editorial headline was unequivocal on the issue: “With all difference to the sensibilities of religious people, the idea that man was created in the image of God can surely be put aside.”

V.S Ramachandran, a brain scientist at the University of California, San Diego, in an interview said there may be a soul in the sense of “the universal spirit of the cosmos,” but the soul in the soul as it is usually spoken of, “an immaterial spirit that occupies individual brains and that only evolved in humans – all that is complete nonsense.” Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist claims that “soul along with the rest of religious faith is like a disease” that evolved because shared belief contribute to group solidarity, reproduction and survival. Nancy Murphy, a philosopher at Fuller Theological Seminary says in her book: Bodies and Souls or Spiritual Bodies? (Cambridge, 2006), that challenges to the uniqueness of humanity in creation are just as alarming as the Copernican assertion that Earth is not the center of the universe.” She asserts: “Just as Copernicus knocked Earth off its celestial pedestal, the new findings on cognition have displaced people from their strategic location,“ in creation.
John F. Haught, a theologian at Georgetown University in an interview said, “For many Americans, the only way to preserve the discontinuity that´s implied in the notion of a soul, a distinct soul, is to deny evolution, which is unfortunate because there is no credible scientific challenge for the diversity and complexity of life on earth.” Murphy, an ordained minister in the Church of the brethren, says it is faulty reasoning to want to distinguish people from the rest of creation.” He agrees with Haught that it is a mistake to think that people can be “ensouled” only if other creatures are soulless. That “evolutionary biology shows the transition from animal to humans to be too gradual to make sense of the idea that we humans have souls while animals do not.” Haught, a Roman Catholic whose book, ´God After Darwin´ (Westview Press, 2000) cites Thomas Aquinas, a 13th century philosopher and theologian´s ideas of “a vegetative and animal soul along with the human soul.” While testifying in the successful challenge by the American Civil Liberties Union against the teaching of Intelligent design at Dover, Pa USA, Haught said: “The way I look at it, instead of eliminating the notion of a human soul in order to make us human fit seamlessly into the rest of nature, it´s wiser to recognize that there is something analogous to soul in all living beings. He said further that the proto-human Lucy, had a soul. All of our hominid ancestors were ensouled in some way, but that does not rule out the possibility that as evolution continues, the shape of the soul can vary just as it does from individual to individual.” He said Descartes distinction between mind and matter, placing animal world on the side of matter, which is essentially mindless, is out of vogue in the modern world.

Feelings and morals evolve. Our earliest feelings as humans are emotional and appear to derive initially principally from intimacy, body hugs and similar. The moral ones begin to develop a little latter and are also influenced at the early stage by the physical. My neighbour´s baby daughter, Ebikenameni, is very clever and was in a hurry to crawl, stand and walk. From very early age, I noticed she smiled easily and I wondered where that emotion came from so early. Since the first sound a baby makes out of the womb is to cry, I concluded that both emotions could be a pair. In a few months, she was crawling and would crawl away fast, giggling, when she saw me. She appeared to be amused by my white beard, which was strange in the environment since I was the only one so bearded. At just under ten months, Ebikenameni was walking and I wanted to reward her. She ran, almost falling, to bury her head in her mother´s bosom, but spying me and giggling. She was apparently teasing me. I offered her money in a lower denomination note but she ignored it. I went to a higher denomination note and her mother´s hug and body language ought to have suggested to her to take the money, but she still didn´t, although she appeared to be enjoying the show and giggling more heartily. She had no value for money yet and even her fear of me or my beard appeared not to be deep. I tricked her, picked her up and hauled her affectionately to my chest and shoulder. She screamed resentment but I kept playing with her, patting her on the back, singing, dancing and talking to her. She gradually accepted my hug, sucking her fingers, seeming relaxed and comfortable. I returned her to her mother´s laps and gave her the money she last rejected. She took it without hesitation but just as quickly dropped it on her mother´s laps. Mummy´s body language and my friendship had thought her to accept the money, but as for value, that was Mummy´s problem. After that incidence, she stopped trying to run away when she saw me. Instead, she wanted me to carry her so that she could play with my beards.

People with domestic animals such as dogs and cats know when their pets are happy or sad, hungry or not and when they want to play or not. They also know if their pets like a stranger or not. The pets coil up or make aggressive or irritating sounds to express their feelings. Their owners through experience can easily interpret their pets´ language even when they are not seeing the pets but can hear their voice.

MIND OVER MATTER. Which came first, and is spirit ordering matter around? Tu-SoS answers the first question: “I Thy Tu-SoS am the Light and the Mind which were before substance was divided from Spirit and Darkness from Light. I am before the watery substance, which appeared out of the darkness. I created the cosmos through the agency of the power of Aeon and it is the manifestation of this Aeon in the world that imposes order on matter.” -Thoth.

Plato provides this insightful explanation: “Mind was there before matter but having become part of matter is constantly seeking to free itself and return to God” (substitute God with Tu-SoS.) That “soul originated from God and strives to return to God failing which it disintegrates in lower bodies. That if there is soul after death, it must have been there before birth. What we behold is not reality but image projection of mind and soul on matter.” Plato´s emphasis on motion was that because things in the universe move and cause others to move, there must be a source or beginning to all the motions. On design, he argued that order and purposefulness in the universe suggests there is a mind or intelligence behind it all. Plato´s cliché was that, since everyone believes there is God, there must be God.

Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) argued that cause is not God; otherwise we are confronted with the problem of infinite causation. Kant described design as the property of nature. That information is being exchanged in vacuum all the time. The seed is planted; it links with air, water, earth and sun of its own volition to grow. It does not think, the logic is built into the nature of things. One thing leads on to another to produce something. Immanuel Kant was the leader of the supposed German idealist movement, which said: “why bother about matter when all we can ever know is mental.” He argued that it is not possible to prove God´s existence by reason or argument but that we can conceptualize the one wholeness of the universe and embody it. That even though our idea of God is transcendent, it is a necessary anchor for morality in society

St. Thomas Aquinas belaboured the issues of motion, efficient causality, the contingency of finite beings and capped these with the various grades of perfection argument, with the ultimate perfection being God. Aristotle too was preoccupied with the idea of the ´First or the Unmoved mover´ and the dimension that if there is good, there must be better followed by the best and that the best is divine. St. Augustine, like Aristotle, was trapped in the notion of good, better and best. He added that since truth is not something created by man and since the mind discovers and accepts it, truth must be superior to the mind and superior means more excellent. He dwelt too on the teleological argument that order, harmony, beauty and splendour indicates God´s existence.

The Renaissance thinkers compounded man´s confusion. Rene Descartes tried to separate the scientific universe from the spiritual need for freedom. He believed that God as an idea exists in the mind and that the mind is separate from the body. He said, God is omniscient, omnipotent, truth, all goodness, eternal and self-caused so whatever He puts into man, including ideas must be real. Descartes failed to explain how mind influences the body and God influences matter, if each (in a pair) does not relate with the other. Descartes believed that evil is caused by ignorance because God gave man incomplete facilities to distinguish between good and evil. Nicholas Cusa and Jacob Boehme believed that God could be found not through reason but intuitive mystical knowledge. Giordano Bruno, who at the instigation of the Inquisition in 1600 was roasted at the stake, asserted God´s immanence in the cosmic reality, uniting all opposites, being without opposites, and impossible to fathom by the mind. Francis Bacon separated science from religion and split religion into (a) natural theology, which he believed could provide nothing more than proof of God´s existence through study and (b) revealed theology, which he said compels obedience to the divine law “though our reason is shocked at it.”

Thomas Hobbes believed that although God is corporeal, His nature cannot be fathomed. Hobbes ignored the question about whether God started the universe or not until after his trouble with the Church of France where he had escaped as a royalist, and announced that the Christian God was the Prime Mover. Baruch Spinoza a Dutch Jew excommunicated from the Amsterdam Synagogue in 1656 for his pantheist views believed that God had no identity, brain, consciousness or function, although all things relate to Him in strict law of nature. Insisting on the perfection of God, he declared that God and nature are one, and that God is the summation of all substances. All human thoughts in the world make up God´s thoughts. Since everything is in God, mind and matter are simply two aspects of one entity otherwise they have nothing in common. His idea was described as a kind of psychophysical parallelism. Purely idealists, insist that what is real is the immaterial spiritual world and not the physical world which is unreal. They also believe that mind is synonymous with soul, which is superior to the body, because mind continues to exist after death. Science has confirmed that mind, soul or spirit, continues to exist after death.

Bishop Berkeley, an idealist, believed that because we have nothing to go by but sensation is no reason to assume that matter exists. He insisted that what exists is perceived, therefore, a tree does not exist if no one is looking at it. That God who sees everything prevents objects from vanishing when we are not looking. That the world is not a material but cerebral or spiritual creation of God. David Hume believed that human reason is inadequate to prove God´s existence but that belief in God is necessary as the basis of morality, hope and society. That sensational experience is not enough evidence of the existence of matter or even mind. Hegel saw God as a developing process from “the Absolute” or First cause to the highest expression in man´s mind or reason. God most profoundly realizes Himself in man he argues and that the universe is evolving towards self-awareness and man´s redemption, but within the purview of societal freedom. Even God Himself achieves full consciousness and self-realization only through the minds of free individuals.

Materialists insist that matter is the primary stuff, mind is secondary. Arnold Guelincxs argued that body and mind are each “wound up” from the beginning by God in the same way “two clocks” could be wound up to keep time with each other. Therefore, when the desire to walk strikes, unrelated physical sensations in the legs compel action at the same time. Science has confirmed that it is the spirit (or ethereal double) that co-ordinates the organs of the body through the spine. That mind and body are separate but animated by the spirit co-coordinating energy.

Prof. J.I. Omoregbe: (in the Nigerian Journal of Philosophy Vol. 3, Nos. 1&2, 1983) had this to say about God´s definition in classical philosophy in “….the transcendent, eternal, absolutely perfect and immutable God of classical philosophy, impressive as it appears is too remote from man and too indifferent to the human predicament to be satisfactory to the human heart. That may be the God of the intellect but not of the heart. Such a God would be indifferent to human behaviour and could have no real relation with man.”

The pantheistic view of God forces Omoregbe to ask: “Why is it that individual consciousness is itself unconscious of its self as part of universal consciousness?” He says “Paul Tillich´s Being hardly portrays God as personal and conscious, nor can such God relate to man. We have seen too that the suffering, struggling and evolving deity of process philosophy, caught as he is, in a cosmic process, which seems to be crushing him, appears too weak to satisfy either the mind or the heart.”

Both the classical and process philosophers on the one hand and the pantheists on the other are looking at different sides of the same coin. The real problem with their views concerns human ego, which assumes falsely that man is the most important element in creation. Tu-SoS didn´t even create us. We came through a third party agent. There is a spirit nature to Tu-SoS, of course, and this incorporates humans and other animate elements but there is also nature´s need to ensure harmony between animate and inanimate elements. That is why Tu-SoS is in every atom. The inanimate element, Sun, for instance, is more important than man or anything else on earth because without the Sun, the earth is dead. Nature´s major pre-occupation is with cosmic harmony and not with individual suffering, animate or inanimate, which is necessary, in any case, for individual evolutionary growth and universal re-generation.

Nothing is static or permanent, suffering and pains force necessary change, tempered principally by the degree of karmic debts. Man has the discretion on how to avoid natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, by moving out of the area. Pains of the metaphysical type tend to result from man´s fear of the unknown and of the deities with their terroristic antics. Most non-natural problems are man-made. Man brings sufferings on the self or others out of jealousy, poor spiritual knowledge, bad habits, or to even scores. It is not the business of Tu-SoS to stop man from eating broken bottles, or hurting his wife, or cutting off his neighbour´s legs in a fight. All that nature can do, is provide control factors or laws like karma, to promote universal harmony.

As to the issue that individual consciousness does not feel part of Universal consciousness, this is relative and actually a matter of degrees. Universal consciousness is the ultimate evolutionary spiritual growth ideal of all animate elements including man. The ant, cow or elephant do not have the same degree of consciousness as man and even among men all fingers are not equal. The adepts and most geniuses (few in relative terms to human population but growing) feel part of universal consciousness, which is yet in the future for the rest of mankind, and more so for ants, cows and elephants.

The ultimate ambition of philosophy is to reconcile notion with reality. To explain the essence; to see and define Tu-SoS. From what we have said so far, it is obvious that logic is not enough to explain ´Tu-SoS´ or unravel universal reality. What people who call themselves philosophers are engaged in are speculative exercises difficult to permanently and comprehensively settle without the help of other branches of knowledge, particularly the sciences. Philosophy can provide the hypothesis on which to serve truth in segments through scientific regours. In other words, the positions of philosophers are mere hypothesis until collaborated by other areas of science. Acclaimed philosophers themselves define philosophy as an act of interpretation of the non-immediate world, perpetually driven by dialectised auto-criticism. They claim that to philosophize is to create a conception of a world through continued questioning and not allowing certainty to prevail. They agree that the existence of God can neither be proved nor be disproved and that the question of God´s existence, therefore, remains a matter of belief and not of philosophical or scientific demonstration.

If philosophy means not agreeing on the ultimate ground of truth, value, and reality, as is the case at present, then what is the use of philosophy and why do men pretend to be profound thinkers? Tribal speculations or logic dressed, as African, Greek, Indian, Asian or other similar pre-occupations are partial to absolute universal reality, truth and value, and so are metaphilosophies, meaning work in progress towards ultimate scientific/cosmic reality. Ultimate cosmic truth is all embracing and abhors sectionalism whether religious, tribal, political or environmental. We are all from one truth, one common reality or source. Sentiments such as racial, tribal, gender, age, education, place of birth, career or social status have no value in cosmic consciousness. What counts in the end is the cosmic reality commonly shared. Ultimate truth is incontrovertible and belongs to Tu-SoS (The Ultimate Source of Spirituality) apparently. Therefore, until man meets Tu-SoS face to face and Tu-SoS answers all the nagging questions about the reality of being, man is practicing metaphilosophy. Metaphysics, ontologies and what have you, are simply those and not philosophy, which in lay man´s language ought to lead to profound revelations.

Heidegger, undaunted repeated in his book Being and Time, Leibniz´s famous question: ´´Why is there anything rather than nothing? Kant says we cannot see things as they really are because we impart our structures to experience, so we bar the way to the noumenon with our own inner categories. Bonn says: “We are the noumenon, so there is a way out of Kant´s trap. At least, I am of the noumenon.” Meister Eckhart, one of the greatest mystics the West has produced asked: “Why do you prate of God? Don´t you know that whatever you say of him is untrue? There is nothing in all the universe so much like God as silence. I pray to God to keep me from God because we have no language to describe ultimate reality.” Ilya Prigogine, a Russian, and the 1977 Nobel Laureate in chemistry; author of From being to becoming: Time and Complexity in the Physical Sciences, 1980; was very specific and adamant when he asked: “If the world is deterministic in the classical sense, what is our role in this world? Is it to play a part, which has been predicted but is unknown to us? This is even more difficult for me to accept. That without knowing it, we are a kind of lower machine. We are just following some master plan, which has not been communicated to us. We are just conditioned to follow it. This seems to me even repulsive.”

Rener Weber, the author of Dialogues with Scientists and Sages: the search for unity, tells us that: “in splitting the atom, the physicist releases vast amounts of energy that was needed to hold the core of the atom together, its binding power. Weber says: “while some scientists seem to think, God is in the details, mystics claim that God is the circle whose center is every where and whose circumference is no where. While scientists look for the boundaries of nature, mysticism seeks its unboundedness. If science is the droplet of the ocean, mysticism is the wave. While science works to explain the mystery of being, mysticism experience it. Both look for the basic truth about matter and the source of matter.”

The mystic, for instance, is engaged in splitting his self-centered ego and the three-dimensional thinking that sustains it. The ego, like the atom, coheres in time through its binding power. What Buddha called the aggregates (Shandhas) that make up our personality. Spinoza, the most mystical of modern western philosophers says that this high-energy state is the true unfoldment of the human potential, a health-giving mode of being…..or blessedness. Merely to be in that state is its own reward. Mysticism is the experiencing of oneness with nature or universal reality. Space to the mystic is not empty because we all partake in nature. Emptiness implies selfishness and no one is an island unto himself. Mystics believe that to be spiritually free, one must avoid attachment to anything. We can use things but must not become slaves to them. That what you get is what you give and you cannot take without giving back.

In the Hindu tradition, God is knowledge, bliss, a state of pure consciousness leading to ultimate bliss. They call this satchit. To achieve this state needs withdrawal into the self. There is nothing to ask the outside. One only needs to clear away avidya i.e., ignorance on the way to bliss. The central tenet of the mystics´ outlook is compassion and love for all. That is, to make a deliberate attempt to help reduce the burden of the suffering around us. The mystics´ pre-occupation with helping the suffering is touching and logical because by helping others we help ourselves. This is karma linked with the survival instinct of man and the law of cosmic harmony. However, some amount of suffering is inevitable and probably necessary because without it life could be boring and would be difficult to appreciate.

Mystics believe nature is simple, elegant and beautiful but cannot fully interpret it. After thousands of years of searching, they still cannot string the words together to explain nature. Buddhists or Jainists, for instance, do not name God (Tu-SoS) or accept a creator. Everything is in the mind they say. We create ourselves. The law of cause and effect i.e., karma, governs life. The inner sanctuary of the Hindu Temple is always dark. Light fills the surrounding courts of the temple but the heart of the temple, which is the deep center of your essence or being, is dark.

That is where you meet God without form. Darkness is equated with consciousness and God is hidden in its depth. Relating to God through love and devotion is called Bhakti. Jnana is realizing your unity or oneness with God through knowledge and contemplation.

Spiritualists divide the Spiritual force field into five plateaus for man. What they call the Astral field is at the lowest level or at the bottom near earth. This is the field of magic, witchcraft, technology and negativism generally. Most religious leaders of the world operate only up to this level and can hardly ever rise beyond it. All religious followers and the generality of mankind are controlled mentally and physically from this realm by Extraterrestrial Beings and other man made Gods and deities of the tribes. The next plane is the Causal field or the plateau of the karmic law. In other words, the cause and effect region of the spiritual realm. This iron-clad natural law insists that you reap what you sew. The third region is the Ethereal field where all records are kept. It is like a museum of all the happenings in the universe and our individual ethereal double links with it. To be able to reach this realm and further, we must synchronize our physical with our spiritual bodies through informed cleansing habits, fasting, ritual meditation and the process of alchemy. The fourth level is the Mental field for creators, innovators, geniuses. These are people we recognize as sages, the wise ones or scientific wizards etc. The plane is separated from the final one (i.e. the Soul plane) by a dark void. Anyone who manages to break through the dark void and survives is illuminated and emerges into the final plane of light. The Soul plane is the final plane and the region of bliss. That is why spiritualists say Tu-SoS is the Supreme enjoyer. In the Soul plane, you lose all need of care and fear. You lack for nothing. Whatever you ask you get. You are a god among men. Tu-SoS virtually takes you by the hand to all the wonderful hidden paradises of the universe. The few able to get there, continue their spiritually disciplined lives to be able to return to the abode of spiritual bliss at will.

The mystic wants to enter the heart of nature; the scientist thinks he is entering already – breaking down truth systematically. Scientist Max Planck, insist that science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature because in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and, therefore, part of the mystery that we are trying to solve. Bohm´s response is that because man in some sense is a microcosm of the universe, what man is, is a clue to the universe. Stephen Hawkin, one of today´s leading scientists, is not impressed. He describes mysticism as a cop-out. According to him, “If you find theoretical physics and mathematics too hard, you turn to mysticism. The whole idea of a scientific theory is that it produces a definite logical model and definite predictions. On the other hand mysticism clouds it with obscurity. It does not make any definite predictions.”

Father Bede Griffiths, English by birth, Roman Catholic monk and Tibetan Buddhist scholar tells us: “That things have changed tremendously since the Vatican Council. It opened the doors. The challenge now is to create a new theology, which will marry the findings of modern science with relevant ancient mysticism to evolve a new theology. The new theology must ally itself with contemporary science, with quantum physics, including Einstein´s physics.”

Prof. J.I. Omoregbe insists that: “if religion says there is a spiritual soul in man, this is not in conflict with the findings of biology or physiology. If religion says electrons, neutrons and protons were brought into existence (or created) by God, this would be in conflict with findings of physics. Science cannot answer all the nagging questions about God without the collaboration of religion.” Omoregbe raises the following succinct questions, which this book answers.

(i) What is the purpose of human life? Why is man in the world? The answer would appear to be the same as why ants or trees are in the world. The climate or atmosphere is conducive whereas on another planet, such as the Moon, we would not be able to exist in our present form at least.

(ii) Is man purely material or is there an immaterial, spiritual element in his being. There is a spiritual element or double.

(iii) Does human life continue in another form after death? Yes, as spirit.

(iv) Is there a spiritual world, distinct from the physical world we know? Yes, in parallel orbit with our world, and duplicating our world like a shadow. However, stranded spirits live with us in our world.

(v) Does the universe owe its existence to any being outside it and distinct from it? No, but there is a spirit force field. The fifth energy in creation.

(vi) How ought we to behave to one another in the world? To love one another and nature, if we do not want nature to go out of balance sooner than later. A good example is the current problem of climate change, threatening too soon to destroy existence as we know it, because of human greed and carelessness.

IS SOUL SPIRIT? Dr. Idoniboye, in my book (The end of knowledge) from which this article is adapted, argued that mind is soul and that soul is the animated part of spirit. This appears to be the belief of most people, including in the scientific world.

(B) Osahon´s Theory on Soul, Mind and Spirit.

Soul is synonymous with the mind and is the animated twin of spirit which activates it. Soul is in the body, spirit is attached. While spirit can detach from its body at will, soul cannot. It is the spirit´s magnetic chain link until the body dies when they become one again. Spirit is secretive. It is not everything it knows, it tells the soul through dreams.

I know this because my spirit was wooing a wife for me some 400 or more miles away from my base without me and the lady in question knowing each other. Details are provided in ´My spiritual odyssey´ chapter of my book. The lady, Ngozi by name, was able to describe exactly what I looked like before sending to me that she wants to move in with me as my wife. The message came to me out of the blues but when I checked spiritually, it was confirmed that she was my wife and that we would have two children together. She was murdered a few days before she was to join me. The point here is that my mind or soul did not know about the escapades of my spirit. My spirit would leave me in bed at night, travel hundreds of miles to sleep on the same bed with Ngozi, to comfort her in her travails at the time.

A very wicked witch continuously viciously attacked me for almost three years from Benin Republic. Diviners there have an association so on the 2nd and again the 7th July, 2009, my Mama-maven reported the witch to them at 2.00 am at night. The association´s leadership caucus invited my spirit to tell them about my spiritual mission for the African race, on both occasions. I gave on each occasion resounding lectures that received loud and warm applause. I did not know about my spirit´s activities until the morning after when Mama-maven told me.

Theories on Origin of Things:

There is a conscious aspect to all atom (a peculiarly fixed intelligence) linking with all the conscious properties of the entire cosmos to form a universal energy field with the properties of electromagnetism, gravity, strong and weak nuclear as its ultimate arsenal in a unified state. This is Tu-SoS or En-Sof of the Jews, the Boundless, the Limitless, the One Source, the spiritual force field. All forms gain certain capacities as they evolve through mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms. Humans are spirits at the lowest level of the spiritual energy field. We are not separate individuals but part of a spiritual network held together in our environment by ether´s energy field. The human experience go through cycles of birth and death incarnating in a variety of tribal groups and cultures to gain higher capacities to understand the laws latent within man and of the Grand Unification, or (Tu-SoS) or the fifth energy law, which man is still grappling to unravel.

Timidly, science claims, tongue in cheek, that 10 – 20 billion years ago, compressed, highly dense hydrogen matter exploded from its own core pressure and created showers of still expanding galaxies. Einstein´s theory of General Relativity has for decades served physicists as the best model of the origin theories. Known as the Big Bang Theory, it refers narrowly to a point in time when the observed expansion of the universe (Hubble´s law) began, and generally to the prevailing cosmological paradigm explaining the origin of evolution of the universe. The idea is that the universe erupted with a Big Bang explosion. The components of the Big Bang theory include, gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear, four energies referred to in scientific circles as the standard model.


This is the natural attraction of bodies. In physics, we learn that there is a universal tendency for every body to move towards every other body. Every particle is attracted towards the centre of the earth by the force of gravity. According to J. Duncan and S. G. Starling in: A text book of physics, Macmillan and Co. Ltd, London, 1958: “Every particle of matter attracts every other particle towards itself with a force in the direction of the line joining the particles. The forces of attraction between bodies of small or moderate sizes are very small, but when one of both bodies is large, the forces become evident without the necessity for employing delicate means for their detection. What we call the weight of a body is really the attraction force which the earth exerts on the body, tending to cause the body to approach the earth´s centre. The term gravitation is applied to this universal attraction.” What is attracting to a centre of force or forces of attraction acting on each other is gravity. Gravity creates a centre. It holds steady at a point. In the simple example of a ruler, the centre of gravity is the point of support when the ruler is balanced horizontally.

Every particle in a body possesses weight; hence the gravitational effect exerted on any body consists of several forces directed towards the centre of the earth. The centre of gravity is equivalent to the centre of mass. The centre of mass of an object is the point where the total mass acts. Except for very large objects, the centre of mass is situated at the same place as the centre of gravity.

Newton was first to suggest that the mass of an object is the quantity of matter in it. This definition was considered too vague until 1905, when Einstein came up with his theory of General Relativity, showing that the energy W released from an object when its mass decreases by an amount m, is: W=mc2 where c is the numerical value of the velocity of light. When m is in grams and c is in cm. per sec., then W is in ergs. Experiments in radioactivity on objects emitting radiation confirm Einstein´s law that the mass of an object is a measure of the energy of its atoms.

The position of the centre of gravity of combined objects is determined by applying the law to moments for parallel forces because the weights are parallel forces. The law states that “the moment of the resultant (total) weight about any point equals the algebraic sum of the moment, in the same direction, of the separate weights about the same point.

Our knowledge of gravity developed from observations of the planets. The motions of the planets were carefully studied and recorded by African Egyptian priests/scientists for thousands of years, enabling them to predict fairly accurately the movements of the stars and other planetary bodies. Babylonian and Greek students gained the knowledge later from studies in the Egyptian African mysteries. The earth was for centuries considered the centre of the universe until about 1542 CE when Copernicus suggested that the planets were revolving round the sun as centre. Of course, the idea was immediately shot down by the Roman Catholic Church dominating the world with religion at the time. Advance in the knowledge was made by Kepler about 1609 CE, after he had studied the records and observations of the planets made by Tycho Brahe. Kepler initially came up with two laws, adding a third, ten years later in 1619. The laws are:

  1. The planets describe ellipses about the sun as one focus.
  2. The line joining the sun and the planets sweeps out equal areas in equal times.
  3. The squares of the periods of revolution of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their main distance from the sun.

Newton´s law of Gravitation. Newton was born on Christmas day in 1642. He died in 1727. Around 1666, at the age of 24, Isaac Newton discovered the universal law of gravitation. It all started when he observed a fruit fall from a tree. At that very moment, a wave of creative perception forced him to gasp and infer that the moon was falling too. That the earth´s gravity made fruits or things fall downwards rather than upward or sideways. That every object exerted a force, known as gravity on all the surrounding objects. That it was the sun´s gravity that was pulling the earth, which was smaller, towards it. As a result of this gravitational force, the earth moved in a curved orbit around the sun.

To arrive at his theories, he considered the motion of a planet moving in a circle around the sun as centre. He believed that the force acting on the planet of mass m is mrw2, where r is the radius of the circle and w is the angular velocity of the motion, and that this force is equal to the force of attraction of the sun on the planet. Kepler had showed earlier that the squares of the periods of revolution of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. Newton thus assumed that the force between the sun and the planet was inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Newton then proceeded to test the inverse-square law by applying it to the moon´s motion round the earth. The moon´s period of revolution T, around the earth is approximately 27.3 days, and the force on it = mRw2, where R is the radius of the moon´s orbit and m is it´s mass. Newton summed up his discovery as follows: “The force of attraction between two given masses is inversely proportional to the square of their distance apart.”

According to J. Duncan and S. G. Starling in Text book of physics, “gravitational force travel with the speed of light. If the gravitational force between the sun and earth were suddenly to disappear by the vanishing of the sun, it would take about 7 minutes for the effect to be experience on the earth, which would then fly along a tangent to its original curved path….. “

Gravitational effect takes place over unlimited distances; thus the force of attraction which the sun exerts on the earth causes the earth to describe an orbit round the sun. The force of attraction between two small bodies is proportional to the product of their masses, and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.


This is the science which deals with the properties of electricity in producing and communicating a magnetic force. The energy is not visible to the naked eyes but space is filled with it. For example, radio wave is an aspect of the energy. You can tune and receive as loud a noise of a radio programme thousands of kilometers away from source as if you are at the point of origination. Even particles within space are charged too with this energy. Electromagnetism energizes particles to produce living organisms, which are themselves made of electrons and atoms. Life and non-life are, therefore, not opposed in nature. Since “not everything is living, not everything is dead, order and disorder are generated through the irreversible process of duality of order and disorder,” says Prigogine.

In 1973, Prigogine shocked the world with his mathematical calculations suggesting that black holes (i.e., areas within space and time where the force of gravity is extremely strong and light can not escape so they appear to be invisible) were not empty or spent matter after all. That black holes could, in fact, ´explode,´ emitting streams of particles. Prigogine suggested that matter that may appear dead (i.e., rock or the rust of a sheet or metal) is in a state of equilibrium. That such matter is blind or disordered hypnons. That such hypnons are actually surrounded by other particles with short-range (electrical) forces resulting in pushes and pulls. That it is such dissipation in structures that introduce constant creativity in nature. Prigogine´s theory described as the Arrow of Time says: “An organism is born, develops to maturity, and dies – it has a history which can be disregarded in subatomic particles but not in living organisms. Living systems can, to some degree, escape entropy through their capacity for self-organization. In them a higher order not predicted by entropy can emerge out of the dead end of chaos.”

Broglies tells us that particle is an electron (i.e., a negatively charged particle within the atom) with a field of electromagnetic energy around it. The activities of the field do not depend on its strength or intensity but on its relation with other fields.

Rupert Sheldrake (author of A New Science of Life: the hypothesis of formative causation) adds what he calls the anthropomorphic concept of space and time. He says that in quantum mechanics there are fields of information in the wave function and super quantum fields, which organize the quantum field itself. That these fields are not in space-time but in this multidimensional space, at least, mathematically. That when the space-time meanings and the super (electric) wave function field contact each other, all sorts of relevant meanings could result. Specifically, Rupert Sheldrake has a hypothesis he calls morphogenetic fields, which he says are responsible for the development of form. He says heredity in living organisms involves not only genes and DNA but also morphogenetic fields. These fields are derived from past organisms of the same species through the process he calls morphic resonance. They are not fixed fields. They keep adapting from recorded new information blended with the old.

Sheldrake uses the TV and Radio sets to illustrate his field. He says “the sounds that come out of the radio or TV set depend both on the correct arrangement of the wires and on the field to which the transmission is tuned. If you change the wires and transistors, you will change the tuning. You may get a different station or a distorted reception of the normal one. Similarly, the eggs, the DNA and the proteins it gives rise to, set up the tuning characteristics of the species. That is what tunes the system in to that particular morphogenetic field. The transmitter is the morphogenetic field.”

The morphogenetic field of a particular plant makes it possible for its seed to derive its energy and nutrients from the sun, air, soil, and water to transform into that plant rather than into any other plant species or a cat or a dog. Mechanistic biology describes something similar to the morphogenetic field as genetic programme. Sheldrake says the difference between the two is that if the DNA in all the cells of the body were following one genetic programme; they wouldn´t develop differently to produce the eyes, ears, kidney and liver. That the DNA provides the bricks and mortar with which the organism is built and the morphogenetic fields assemble these into particular patterns and shapes.

David Bohm describes all the waves in space as a holomovement. He says all existence is basically a holomovement, which folds and unfolds, in a perpetual dance of creating and recreating. That the holomevement is constantly renewing itself and absorbing new ideas to adapt to environment and situations. Therefore, the holomovement is not static like the Platonic and Aristotelian equivalent but dynamic and spawning out new forms and species all the time. Bohm says something similar to the holomovement is recognized and called the unitary transformation in quantum mechanics; it treats the particles as the Quantisized State of the field spread over space with a quantum of energy. Each wave in the field has a certain quantum of energy proportional to its frequency. What is manifest (i.e., all the entities, cells, atoms including humans) are in the implicate order of the holomovement. There are higher orders not visible to our senses which he calls super implicate.

Many other electromagnetic waves have been suggested but perhaps the most ancient and popular of them all is the one associated with karma. The idea is that our past, present and future actions are recorded in the belly of the universe which serves as a data bank. The data bank functions like a computer. Obviously, it does not think but has active information as we have, at least, at the level of unconscious thought. Each of us is a system of living cells. The chemical properties of atoms and molecules are determined by their electron shells. All particles are charged with the electromagnetic field. Biochemical reactions in our body take place because of electromagnetic interaction. It is also responsible for everyday activities such as a ball thrown to the ground, bouncing back, or a vehicle moving and braking.

Oersted, a pioneer of the magnetic effect on current, discovered the magnetic effect of the electric current in 1820 CE. He suspected a relationship between electricity and magnetism and set out to prove it. In the course of his experiments he, by chance, passed a lead wire carrying a current over, but parallel to, a compass-needle, the needle was deflected. After achieving the same result a few more times, he led the wire under the needle and it was deflected in the opposite direction so he concluded that “the electric conflict performs gyrations.” To get a clear result, a strong current is needed, and must be passed close to the wire, to minimize the effect of the earth´s field. It is then seen that the lines of force are circles, concentric with the wire.

Ampere´s or Laplace law. A general expression for the magnetic intensity at a point due to a small element of a conductor carrying a current was provided by Ampere and Laplace.

Faraday, building on this, decided to find the converse. He began work on the problem in 1825. The apparatus he used consisted of two coils of insulated wire wound on a wooden core. One coil was connected to a galvanometer, the other to a battery. No current flowed through the galvanometer despite several trials, but when the battery was disconnected, Faraday noticed, by chance, a “kick” by the galvanometer needle. When the battery was connected back again, there was a “kick” in the opposite direction. Every time the experiment was repeated, the result was the same so, Faraday concluded that the “kick,” although momentary, was not accidental. He spent the next six years looking for a steady current, which he found in 1831.

Faraday´s experiments showed that a current flowed in coil only while the magnetic field due to coil was changing. The field building up as the current was switched on and decaying as the current was switched off. The current which flowed while the field was decaying was in the opposite direction to the current which flowed while the field was building up. Faraday called the current an ´induced current.´ He found that it could be made much greater by winding the two coils on an iron core, instead of a wooden one.

Once he discovered that ´induced current ´ was produced only by a change in the magnetic field inducing it, he was able to find it every time he tried. In place of the coil, he used a magnet; and showed that as long as the coil and the magnet were at rest, there was no ´induced current.´ But when he moved either the coil or the magnet, an induced current flowed as long as the motion continued. If the current flowed one way when the North Pole of the magnet was approaching the coil to the north, it flowed the other way when the North Pole was retreating in the direction of the South Pole.

Light Waves. Light waves are electromagnetic waves. The vibrations of light are electromagnetic in origin; a varying electric force with a varying magnetic force which has the same frequency and phase. In 1905, Einstein suggested that the energy in light could be carried from place to place by particles whose mass depended on the wavelength of the light. Experiments confirmed the theory. The particles of light energy are known as “photons.” It is now considered that either the wave theory or the particle theory of light can be used in a problem of light, depending on the circumstance in the problem.

Light is a form of radiation measurable by a spectroscope. The electric force in a light wave affects a photographic plate and causes fluorescence, while the magnetic force, though present, plays no part in this effect of a light wave. Wavelength is the distance between the peak of two successive waves and the length of electromagnetic wave (adopted by a transmitting station.) Wavelength of electromagnetic waves include rays which affect the sensation of vision (visible rays); rays which cause heat (infra-red); and rays which cause chemical action (ultra-violet rays.) As these rays are all due to electric and magnetic vibrations, they are examples of electromagnetic waves.

According to M. Nelkon and P. Parker: Advanced level Physics, Williams Heinemann Ltd., London, 1958, “Scientists have measured the wavelengths of these waves by a diffraction grating method, and results show a gradual transition in the magnitudes of the wavelength from one type of ray to another. Thus, infra-red rays have a longer wavelength than visible rays, which in turn have a longer wavelength than ultra-violet rays. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves of longer wavelength than infra-red rays, while X-rays and Y-rays are due to waves of shorter wavelengths than ultra-violet waves.

Infra-red (popularly known as heat-rays) was discovered in 1800 by Sir William Herschel when he moved the blackened bulb of a thermometer into the shadow beyond the red of the visible spectrum of the sun. He noticed an increased reading on the thermometer. “Infra-red rays are fundamentally the same in nature as rays of the visible spectrum but do not cause the sensation of vision when incident on the eye. Since they are not scattered by fine particles as much as the rays of the visible spectrum, infra-red rays are able to penetrate fog and mist, and with the aid of filters and special infra-red photographic plates, clear pictures of the country side have been taken in dense mist. Infra-red photography has also been used at the British Museum to decipher the writing on ancient monuments, and to see clearly, pictures of ancient works of art, which have been covered with grime not easily removed.

About 1801, Ritter discovered the existence of invisible rays beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum; these are known as infra-violet rays. Photographic plates are darkened by infra-violet rays as the rays decompose the silver compound covering them, and they cause certain materials to fluoresce. Metal plates emit electrons when illuminated by ultra-violet light. Quartz prisma must be used in the investigation of the properties of the rays, as ordinary glass absorbs ultra-violet rays.”

Cathode-ray tube is an instrument used in television and radar to enable variations of potential difference, or voltage, to be made visual on a screen.

Scientists have confirmed that not every thing we see as solid in the universe is really so. Matter is a collection of energy. The universe is not in space as we think, but duplicates space. Solid atoms as a force field was recognized with the discovery of X-rays, radiation from uranium and radium, and betrays, and the idea of physical ´solid matter´ changed to illusion.

With scientific proof that the atom is a non-material collection of invisible forces moving around a centre at incredible speeds, we now know that the ´solid things we see, feel or perceive are mere invisible energies moving beyond our power of observation. Space and universe are the same and is filled with atomic and spiritual particles uniting and impregnating all forms and consciousness.

Louis de Brogilies introduced the new dimension of knowledge with his discovery that the electron was a non-material wave and not a particle. The universe instantly became less perfunctory and predictable. Studies have shown that the waves do not follow sensible ´ether.´ Light too, functions without vibrations in ´ether.´ Frequency determines the activities of the intangible wave because in thermodynamics every object gives off heat. Material substance and form affect vibrational pattern. .

Generating energy at the speed of light. Einstein postulated that it was impossible to travel beyond the speed of light, which is 297,000 km/sec. According to the theory of relativity in physics, as one moves faster and faster, one´s time rates slows down and the distance gets smaller, and as one approaches very high speeds, one´s own internal time and distance becomes less. Therefore, if one were to achieve infinite or zero speed (i.e. no speed, no space, no time) one could reach from one end of the universe to the other without moving from one´s spot or changing in age.

G.L. Lewis, a physical chemist was first to formulate the theory in the 1920s. He demonstrated that as an object approaches the speed of light in relativity terms, its internal space and time change so that the clocks slow down relative to other speeds, and the distance is shortened. The two ends of the light ray would have no time between them and no distance and so would represent immediate contact.

While light to our senses seems to be empty and silent, in reality the silence and emptiness have ripples. The spaces between the ripples are not empty either. David Bohm describes the emptiness, which we perceive as a plenum thus: “If you take a crystal, which is at absolute zero it does not scatter electrons. They go through it as if it were empty and as soon as you raise the temperature and (produce) inhomogeneities they scatter. Now if you used those electrons to observe the crystal (e.g. by focusing them with an electron lens to make an image) all you would see would be these little inhomogeneities and you would say they are what exist and the crystal is what does not exist. What we see immediately is not all there is.”

Light has energy, form, structure, and contains information, but has no mass. It transforms aspects of itself into particles to use to reveal itself. While its rays are moving back and forth at its own high speed relatively, it freezes all energies and particles moving bellow its speed into a pattern.

Matter (i.e., the substance of the universe, is composed of tiny particles known as atoms, which are joined together to form different chemical compounds) is therefore frozen light. David Bohm says: “Light is not mere electromagnetic waves but in a sense other kinds of waves that go at that speed. Therefore, all matter is a condensation of light into patterns moving back and forth at average speeds, which are less than the speed of light. Even Einstein had some hint of that idea. “You could say that when we come to light, we are coming to the fundamental activity in which existence has its ground, or at least coming close to it.”

Bohm says: “The cosmos may be a certain age, the present idea of the universe may represent some age of the universe of light. The universe of light is eternal as far as we are concerned, but as a certain stage some of these light rays got together and made the Big Bang and unfoldment into our universe of light which will have its end. But the universe of light is beyond time, and therefore, there could be other universe. There may be many ages, not necessarily in succession.”

Magnetism. This implies having magnetic properties. A piece of iron, steel, or nickel, could have the property of exercising attraction on these same materials. Literarily, magnetic means attracting strongly and mysteriously, and in mining, the magnetic has explosive tendency. Natural magnets were known some thousands of years ago. In the eleventh century CE, the Chinese invented the magnetic compass, which consisted of a magnet floating on a buoyant support in a dish of water. The respective ends of the magnet, where iron fillings are attracted most, are called the North and South Poles.

Peter Peregrinus studying the properties of magnet in the thirteenth century showed that: “Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.” His work was forgotten until Dr. Gilbert, famous for his researches in magnetism and electrostatics, took it up in the sixteen century. Dr. Gilbert demonstrated that a magnetized needle, when freely suspended about its centre of gravity, dipped downward towards the North at about 70 degrees to the horizontal in England. He also found that this angle of dip increased with latitude and concluded that the earth itself was or contained a magnet. The points where the angle of dip is 90 degrees are called the earth´s magnetic poles. They are fairly near to the geographic poles but their positions are constantly, though slowly, changing. Gilbert´s idea of the earth being a magnet could not stand. The earth´s crust does not contain enough magnetic material to make a magnet of the required magnitude; the earth´s core appears to be molten, and molten iron is non-magnetic. The origin of the earth´s magnetism is still a mystery to modern science. When an artificial magnet is placed in the earth´s magnetic field, the combined field contains a neutral point, or points, which are places where the resultant magnetic intensity is zero.

The region round a magnet, where a magnetic force is experienced, is called a magnetic field. On earth, we obtain such fields by iron fillings and plot it accurately with a small compass. The direction of a magnetic field is taken as the direction, which a North Pole would move if placed in the field.

Sun-spots and lines. Over the earth´s surface, values of magnetic maps show lines joining all points where the value of a given element is same. The most important of these to navigators, for instance, are the isogonic lines or isogonals, which join points of equal variation or direction. Magnetic elements at given points are not constant. Small fluctuations show with periods of one day, one month, one year and eleven years. The fluctuations are linked with sun-spot activities. Every new sun-spot is accompanied by great fluctuations known as magnetic storms.

A sun-spot is believed to be a whirling vortex of hydrogen ions, many of which fly off the sun and reach our atmosphere. As they are positively charged, their motion is equivalent to a current and sets up a magnetic field, which is felt on the earth. Magnetic intensity is expressed in Oersted, after Oersted the founder. The strength or intensity of a magnetic field is defined as numerically equal to the force in dynes exerted on a unit pole in the field. The earth´s horizontal component is the component of the earth´s horizontal direction. In moving-coil instruments, powerful fields of the order of thousands of Oersteds are used.


Radioactive substance emits heat. The temperature of radium bromide, for instance, is always about two degrees centigrade above that of its surroundings. The rate of emission of heat measured by means of the Bunsen´s ice colorimeter, confirms that 1 gram of radium emits 100 calories per hour, and that the rate of emission is constant whatever the temperature of the radium. The huge store of energy in radioactive materials is evident from the fact that during its whole life, 1 gram of radium emits about 100 calories per hour. This store of energy accounts, to some extent, for the energy continually emitted from the sun in the form of heat. Marie Curie, originally Marja Sklodowska (1867-1934) a Polish born French chemist, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 for discovering radioactivity of thorium. She discovered polonium and radium, and isolated radium from pitch blender. Her husband, Pierre Curie (1859-1906) a French chemist, won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1911.

Atomic structure. The discoveries of electron and of positive rays led to the idea of atomic structure around 1900. The positive part of the atom, which contains nearly all its mass, was expected to naturally also give it most of its size and the electrons were assumed to be embedded in the positive body. In 1911, Rutherford exposed the fallacy of this idea and proposed the nuclear of planetary structure.

Since the hydrogen nucleus was the simplest positive particle known at the time, it was called a proton, and the nuclei of heavier atoms were regarded as mixtures of protons and electrons. Later findings suggested that the nucleus contains uncharged particles called neutrons, which have about the same mass as a proton. In 1919, Lord Rutherford succeeded in driving a proton or hydrogen nucleus (atom without its electron) from the nitrogen nucleus by bombarding it with soft equivalent particles, the remaining nucleus being one of oxygen. Since then many instances of the change in other atoms by the bombardment by swift particles have been discovered. In most of these reactions, the atom remaining, although radioactive, is usually of a short life. The process is called artificial or induced radioactivity.

Between 1930 and 1932, various researches in Germany, France and England discovered that beryllium emits such particles, when it is bombarded with a-rays. So now we regard the nucleus as a mixture of neutrons and protons; baron has 5 protons and 6 neutrons. The a-particle, or helium nucleus has an atomic weight A of 4, and an atomic number Z of 2, it contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons. Because a-particles are emitted in some radioactive charges, we suppose that they exist as units in the nucleus. The most important discovery in this connection was perhaps by Chadwick in 1932. He proved that beryllium bombardment by swift equivalent rays, emitted a new particle called neutron, which has the same mass as the hydrogen nucleus or proton, but which unlike it, has no electric charge. The neutron being electrically uncharged, has great penetrative power because it is not subjected to repulsive forces of the positive electrical charges on the nuclei. In a head on collision with an atomic nucleus, the neutron produces great changes, including significantly, those with the uranium atom.

According to J. Duncan and S. G. Starling, “a sodium atom contains eleven electrons, ten of which move in orbits close to the nucleus, and one of which ranges much more widely. A chloride atom has ten inner electrons and seven outer ones. The outer electron of the sodium atom is weakly attracted to its nucleus, but the outer electrons of the chloride atom are strongly attracted (because the ten inner electrons are more effective shield round the +11 nucleus of sodium than round the +17 nucleus of chlorine). Therefore, when a sodium atom and a chlorine atom approach one another, the outer electron of the sodium atom is attracted more strongly by the chlorine nucleus than by the sodium nucleus. It leaves the sodium atom, and joins the outer electrons of the chlorine; the sodium atom becomes a positively charged sodium ion, and the chlorine atom a negatively charged chlorine ion. Between these two ions.

There now appears a strong electrostatic attraction, which holds them together as a molecule of NaCl. In the solid state, ions are arranged alternatively, positive and negative; the forces between them bind the whole into a rigid crystal. “When such a crystal is dropped into water, it dissolves and ionizes. We can really understand this when we remember that water has a very high dielectric constant. It therefore, reduces the forces between the ions 81 times and the crystal falls apart into ions. In the same way we explain the ionization of other salts and bases and acids. The idea that those dissociate because they are held together by electrostatic forces, which the solvent weakens, in supported by the fact that they ionize in some other solvents as well as water.”

Nuclear Charge. M. Nelkon and P. Parker say: “If the condenser is connected to a battery, then its potential difference is constant; but the surface charges on the dielectric still increases its capacitance. They do so because they offset the mutual repulsions of the charges on the plates and so enable greater charges to accumulate there before the potential difference rises to the battery voltage. Some molecules, we believe, are permanently polarized. They are called polar molecules. For example, the water molecule consists of an oxygen atom O, with two hydrogen atoms H, making roughly a right-angled structure.

Oxygen has a nuclear charge of +8e, where e is the electronic charge, and has eight electrons. Hydrogen has a nuclear charge of +e and one electron. In the matter of molecule, the two electrons from the hydrogen atom move in paths which surround the oxygen atom, and partly withdrawn from the hydrogen atoms. On the average, therefore, the apex of the triangle is negatively charged, and its base is positively charges. In an electric field, water molecules tend to orient themselves. The effect of this, in a condenser, is to increase the capacitance in the way already described. The increase is, in fact, much greater than that obtained with a dielectric which is polarized merely by the action of the field.”

Energy. This is power or force which is able to effect change or has the capacity to cause action, motion, or the inherent ability, or strength, to do effective work. An object possess energy if is can do work. When the energy is caused by movement, we say it is kinetic energy. For example, a flying stone can break a window. A weight held stationary above the ground has energy because when allowed to drop, it could destroy something or raise another object linked to it with a rope passed over a pulley. A coiled spring has energy gradually released as the spring uncoils. The energy of the weight or spring is called potential energy because it arises from the position of arrangement of the body rather than from its motion. If the mass of an object is m, and the object is held stationary at a height h above the ground, the energy released when the object falls to the ground = force X distance = weight of object X h.

According to J. Duncan and S. G. Starling, “Joule developed the idea that energy in any one form could be converted into any other. There might be a loss of useful energy in the process, for example, some of the heat from the furnace of a steam-engine is lost up the chimney, and some more down the exhaust, but no energy is destroyed. The work done by the engine could, with the help of Joule´s equivalent, be expressed in heat units; if it is then added to the heat lost as described, and the heat developed as friction, it is equal to the heat provided by the fuel burnt. The idea underlying this statement is called the Principle of the conservation of energy.” This is the law expressing the belief that the capacity for energy in the material world remains constant regardless of the forms it takes. This “implies that, if we start with a given amount of energy in any one form, we can convert it completely, but if we keep an accurate balance-sheet, we shall find that the total amount of energy, expressed in any one form, say heat or work, is always the same, and is equal to the original amount.

The conservation of energy applies to living organisms, plants and animals as well as to inanimate systems. For example, we may put a man or a mouse into a box or a room, give him a treadmill to work and feed him. His food is his fuel; if we burn a sample of it, we can measure its chemical energy, in heat units. And if we now add up the hear value of the work which the man does, and the heat which his body gives off, we find that their total is equal to the chemical energy of the food which the man eats. Food is source of man´s energy measured in large calories.”

Strong and weak nuclei. The weak nuclear is associated with the burning of stars and the decay of radioactive matter. It rules over the family of leptons, which includes electrons, muons, tau, leptons and all kinds of neutrinos. The strong nuclear is linked with atomic energy or force of the highest magnitude such as may have set off the Big Bang. These are the quark family of hadron, the best known are proton and neutron which come from atomic nucleus and some other three hundred particles physicists recognize.

Particles and anti-particles of matter are in general segmented into what scientists call quarks and leptons. The difference between the two groups is in relation with their behaviour to the strong nuclear force that restricts the quarks inside the protons and bind protons and neutrons inside atomic nucleus. While quarks are susceptible to the strong force, leptons are immune to it. Leptons instead respond to electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force. The electron is the lightest electrically charged lepton and the active participant in all atomic behaviour.

Because they are unaffected by the strong nuclear force, they prevent the marriage between the forces of nature. In fact, were the electrons to be absorbed into the strong nuclear, we would be close to an answer as to how the universe began. We would then be able to explain the history of the universe from the Big Bang and the cause of its explosion.

Electron was first discovered about a hundred years ago and has remained simple and well behaved since. It is stable and appears to have no size. It has shown no interest in developing close ties with quarks or other leptons. Then suddenly, in the centenary of its discovery, evidence is emerging to demonstrate that electrons could have intimate relationship with quarks after all.

On 19 February 1997, two teams at H.I and Zeus at the Deutsche Elektronen Synchrotron, Germany, announced the first evidence that the electron is more likely to scatter from energies close to the speed of light. More electrons were scattering with quarks at high energy and embracing quarks for a brief instant to form a new type of matter code-named leptonquark, before falling apart again into leptons and quarks.

The news about leptonquark has electrified the world of science because lepton, the reluctant bride, has fallen at last into the warm embrace of quarks at high energies. A quadrillion, quintillion of a second, is enough after the Big Bang, for a marriage of the quark and anti-quark to occur resulting in the expansion of the universe after cooling to a temperature of 10.27 degrees. Such a temperature is possible in less than 10.35 second from the start of the Big Bang explosion. It is sufficient time for quarks, electrons, muons and several other particles, to acquire a rest mass briefly although they do without one normally. The universe immediately after the Big Band may not have been uniform until particles in the vacuum structured it with their properties. In other words, even if the universe was not entirely created by vacuum, its structuring relied on vacuum properties.

Properties in vacuum are similar to the properties of elementary particles except that the vacuum particles exist for a very short time compared to their counterparts and are as a result defying the law of conserving mass and energy. Vacuum is a complex arrangement of systems and numerous subsystems responding to various environmental conditions peculiar to each. Activities in a vacuum could originate from the short time brightness of some stars. Creation of particles in a vacuum leads to increased density of neutron stars until they finally burst.

The most mysterious of all the particles so far discovered by scientists is the neutrino found in ether atom. Their extremely high penetrative capacity makes them the critical field of study for the proper understanding of the structuring of the universe. But neutrino ought to have mass to effectively play the structuring role expected. Not only that it does not have mass, it is elusive and difficult to detect. Also required to achieve the Grand Unification Theory is for all the four forces of nature to work in harmony. The weakest of the four forces is gravitation. It is universal and omnipresent but its relationship with the other elements at the highest level of energy generation is still not well understood.

Modern scientists agree on four energy fields governing the universe. The four (i.e., gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear) were grouped together for ease of description as the ´Standard Model,´ in the 1970s. The standard model has withstood several challenges although scientists know of the model´s severe limitations. The most glaring one is that it excludes the interaction of particles and the force of gravity.

The four energy laws agree at the energies scientists can simulate and differ in predictions at energies close to the speed of light. Scientists are agreed that the four basic laws of nature have helped to unravel the history of the universe up to one second after the Big Bang. What happened before that one second is the reason scientists are pursuing what they call the Grand Unified Theory (or Unified Field Theory.) A single theory that physicists hope will provide a complete explanation for the way in which all the forces of nature appear to work. Einstein laboured in vain to achieve this until his death. Despite the difficulties, scientists are convinced that there is a consistency at the deepest level of nature. They believe that the universe can be understood by logic and reason and that the Unified Field Theory is not a mirage. Steven Wigner and Einstein said that much too: “that the greatest mystery about the universe is that it is comprehensible.”

The Big Bang Theory

Einstein´s theory of General Relativity is captured in his famous equation, E=mc2 where E stands for energy, m for mass and c2 the square of the numerical value of the velocity of light. The theory outlines how energy is equivalent to mass times the square of the speed of light, and it is the origin of the Big Bang theory. It means that a gigantic explosion heralded the universe. The term Big Bang was coined by Fred Hoyle during a programme called: “The Nature of Things,” on BBC radio in 1949. The text was published in 1950. Hoyle used the programme to mock the concept.

Scientists too consider the theory a mathematically nonsensical state because of it´s singularity of zero volume that nevertheless contained infinite density and infinitely large energy. The implication being that in the remote past, the universe had a higher temperature and a higher density.

One of the leading scientists who felt that the issue of the Big Bang was not settled was Llya Prigogine. According to him, the only thing we know for sure is that our cosmic environment evolved from a hot dense state. He asks, “Is this the starting point of our universe? Is the Big Bang describing the origin of our cosmological environment or the universe as a whole?”

To Stephen Hawkins, the Big Bang is just a point of space-time rather than any other point of space-time. “I think the universe is completely self-contained. It doesn´t have any beginning or end. It doesn´t have any creation or destruction. Time and space and everything else are really in us. They´re mathematical models that we´ve made to describe the universe. I don´t think the first moment was really anything special just as the North Pole is not a special point of the earth´s surface. It´s just that we chose to measure latitude from the North Pole.

Einstein´s theory, apart from failing to explain what happened the second before the Big Bang, posed a barrier to scientific attempts to understand the origin of our expanding universe. Isaac Newton was the first to suggest that the earth moved in a curved orbit around the sun due to gravitational pull of the sun. Einstein believed that the earth´s curved orbit around the sun was, in fact, as straight a path as possible through curved space. If Einstein´s theory is true, it means the universe could crash at some point.

Recent scientific finding confirms with great certainty that Einstein´s theory on curved space was wrong. The new finding confirms that the fabric of the universe is flat. The Nigerian Guardian newspaper of Friday April 28, 2000, quoted the finding published in the journal ´Nature.´ Its finding means that the usual geometric rules about observed-light not being bent by gravity, is because it travels in straight lines, not curves. Because the universe is flat, we now know that the universe will continue its steady expansion, which started at the Big Bang, and will not collapse into a Big Crunch. A perfectly flat universe will keep expanding forever, because there is not enough matter to make it re-collapse in a Big Crunch. The new information is an exquisitely accurate map of the very faint after glow of heat left behind by the Big Bang. This is called the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and is equivalent to the tiny warmth given off by something just a few degrees above absolute zero, - 273 deg. C.

Tiny temperature variations in the CMB, just 0.1 percent at most, allows scientists to test different models of how the universe began and expanded. The map paints a picture of the young universe, just 300,000 years old – the cosmos now over 12 billion years old. The CMB light detected has travelled across the entire universe and we are perfectly able to distinguish it from the light generated in our own galaxy.

The project to map CMB was called Boomerang (Balloon Observations of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics.) The measurements were made using a very sensitive telescope suspended from a balloon 40,000 metres (131,000 feet) above Antarctica. The instrument flew around the frozen continent between December 29, 1998 and January 8, 1999. The research backs the inflation theory of the universe put forward in 1980, which suggests that the whole of the cosmos expanded from a single tiny point at the Big Bang. At that time and for a short while after, space was curved because it was confined in a small region.

Some other Theories on Origin of Things
Murray Gell-Mann, 50 years ago, attempted unification by placing the particles emerging from experiments around the world, on the points of a geometric structure known as SU(3.) He found, on manipulating the structure, that he was able to reproduce the interaction. He also identified points that had no known particles associated with them, and predicted the existence of particles that would fill those gaps. He was awarded the Nobel Prize after they were detected.

Dr. Garrett Lisi, in work posted on the Internet in November 2007 (no scientific journal has published the work yet) claimed to have achieved a break through using the geometry known as E8 in mathematics. E8 was first recognized in 1887 by Sophus Lie, a Norwegian mathematician. E8 has 248 dimensions and its structure took 120 years to solve in early 2007 when a group of mathematicians managed to construct a map that describes it completely. Dr. Lisi feels that the map could be used fully to describe the laws of physics. He placed a particle (including different versions of the same entities, and using particles that describe matter and those that describe forces) on most of the 248 points of E8.

Using computer simulations to manipulate the structures, he claimed he was able mathematically, to generate interactions that correspond to reality. Some 20 particles remain unresolved in Dr. Lisi´s model. If Dr. Lisi can calculate the masses of these, he will have made predictions that can be tested experimentally. Detecting massive objects takes a great deal of resources otherwise they would have been discovered well before now. CERN, the European particle physics Laboratory near Geneva is building Large Hadron Collider, a large machine that will create particles with greater masses than have yet been seen. It is due to start its scientific work in the summer of 2008, so a test of Dr. Lisi´s theory may not be too far away.

Professor Oyibo, a New York based Nigerian scientist, came out with a ´unified theory´ about creation called GAGUT (Gij, j = o) according to a publication in the Daily Sun of Nigeria of Monday 28th February 2005.

The Big Bounce Theory

Scientist´s central idea is that the theory of General Relativity can be combined with the observations on the largest scales of galaxies receding from each other to extrapolate the conditions of the universe back and forward in time. Loop Quantum Gravity, a baby of the Penn State Institute for Gravitational Physics and Geometry, is now the leading approach to the goal of unifying General Relativity with quantum physics.
In a write up published on the on-line edition of the journal ´nature physics´ on July, 2007, and published in the August 2007 print edition of the journal, Martin Bojowald, an assistant professor of physics at Penn State University, USA, said that Einstein´s theory of General Relativity does not include the quantum physics that you must have in order to describe the extremely high energies that dominated our universe during its very early evolution and that the Loop Quantum Gravity Theory bridges the gap by including the necessary quantum physics.

Physicists led by Bojowald at Penn State University, exploring territory unknown to Einstein, the time before the Big Bang, have come out with the first mathematical description to systematically establish the existence of the Big Bounce, and deduce properties of the earlier universe whose collapse appears to have given birth to our own. Bojowald and his colleagues, using this theory to trace our universe backward in time have found that its beginning point had a minimum volume that is not zero and a maximum energy that is not infinite. As a result of these limits, the theory´s equations continue to produce valid mathematical results past the point of the classical Big Bang.

Quantum gravity theory indicates that the fabric of space-time has an “atomic” geometry that is woven with one-dimensional quantum threads.
The fabric tears violently under the extreme conditions dominated by quantum physics near the Big Bounce, causing gravity to become strongly repulsive so that, instead of vanishing into infinity as predicted by Einstein´s Theory of General Relativity, the universe re-bounded in the Big Bounce that gave birth to our expanding universe. The theory reveals a contracting universe before the Big Bounce, the space-time geometry that otherwise was similar to that of our universe today.

Martin Bojowald, in his write-up said: “my paper introduces a new mathematical model that we can use to derive new details about the properties of a quantum state as it travels through the Big Bounce, which replaces the classical idea of a Big Bang as the beginning of our universe.” Bojowald suggests that while it might be possible to learn about properties of the earlier universe, we always would be uncertain about some of these properties because his calculations reveal a “cosmic forgetfulness” that results from the extreme quantum forces during the Big Bang.

Large Hadron Collider

Rolf-Dreter Heuer, the research director of the German Electron Synchrotron in Hamburg, was chosen on December 13, 2007, to become the next director general of CERN, Europe´s main particle physics laboratory. Heuer would be taking over in December 2008 from Robert Aymar, who used his five year term that was coming to an end, to set up CERN´s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) machine, not only on schedule but also on the tight budget of USA$5 billion. LHC´s test run was planned for summer 2008. LHC is the world´s biggest particle accelerator and Heuer, along with thousands of his staff of physicists would be hoping to use the machine to unravel the secrets of the universe dark energy, dark matter, extra dimensions, tiny black holes that evaporates too fast to capture and, of course, the origins of mass.

According to The Economist Journal of December 22, 2007: “The machine is a pair of ring-shaped pipes, each 27 km long, buried 100 meters down in a layer of rock between Geneva and the Jura mountains. The pipes are surrounded by powerful magnets that guide and accelerate the particles within, so that they whiz round in opposite directions at close to the speed of light. This gives them enormous energy and, because energy and mass are two aspects of the same thing, enormous mass as well. The collision between these particles that are the purpose of all this engineering, take place in four huge particles – detecting machines buried in caverns on the ring´s circumference. The pipes – and the streams of protons they are carrying – cross in the middle of each of these machines. When the protons from opposing streams bash into each other, the alchemy of subatomic physics creates new, massive and generally unstable particles – of which the Higgs should be one example.

These quickly decay into showers of daughter particles that shoot out through concentric layers of detectors made of materials such as liquid argon and the purest crystals of silicon available. Each layer is designed to measure the passage of a different class of daughter. By analyzing the daughters, the nature of the massive parents that gave birth to them can be worked out. All this happens fast. Very fast. When the LHC is running at full speed, each detector will have to deal with a billion collisions a second. That is way beyond what even the best modern computers can study thoroughly, so most are given a cursory glance and thrown away. The truly promising – a few hundred a second – are stored for future examination.”

What all these expenditure and activities are about is to come out with a unified theory of how the universe came about. Einstein got us going on the chase with his E=mc2 theory that led to the standard model concept developed in the early 1970s. The model brings together fairly satisfactorily mathematically, all known fundamental particles (electrons, quarks, photons etc) and three of the four known fundamental forces (electromagnetism, and strong and weak nuclei.) It is the exclusion of the force of gravity from the mathematical equation that makes it incomplete and the universe difficult to explain. Because of this exclusion, the existence of mass has been difficult to prove too.

The first job of the LHC machine is to find the particle called Higgs bosom. Peter Higgs, a physicist, predicted the need for such a particle to exist in 1964, and eventually won a Nobel Prize for it. Higgs´ existence would confirm the existence of mass. Energy and mass are two aspects of the same thing. Mass clearly cannot exist without Higgs, and if Higgs is found, physicists would then be required to look beyond the concept of the standard model.

That really is what the LHC project is about. Higgs would probably create more than mass. A bunch of them together will repel each other in a way that takes the fabric of space along with them. This could explain the sudden inflation the universe seems to have undergone immediately it came into existence and also the 70% of the universe whose nature is unknown and whose dark energy is pushing space apart even now.

Studies have suggested that something called neutralino requires about the same energy as Higgs to make, so it might turn up about the same time Higgs is found. Neutralino would take physics into the exciting realm called supersymetry. This simply means scientists can jettison the standard model´s hit and miss factors by doubling the number of particles needed to make sense of the universe.

Neutralino is predicted to be the lightest most stable of these new particles and if found, its stability is expected to help solve the cosmological mystery suggesting that a quarter of the universe is made up of dark matter that so far can only be detected by its gravitational interactions. Many physicists believe dark matter is large neutralino. Neutralinos reacts to gravity but not to electromagnetism, which is why it is difficult to detect. It also feels the weak nuclear force. The way to find an neutralino is to take note of every thing that comes out of a collision and see if any energy is missing. If the missing energy matches the expected energy of a neutralino, then that is probably what escaped detection.

In 1973, Prigogine shocked the world with his mathematical calculations suggesting that black holes (i.e. areas within space and time where the force of gravity is extremely strong and light cannot escape so they appear to be invisible) were not empty or spent matter after all. That black holes could, in fact, ´explode,´ emitting streams of particles.
Miniature black holes that evaporate in a hail of particles known as the Hawking radiation may also turn up in the detectors. If it does, Stephen Hawking would receive his Nobel Prize for this. He predicted such radiation in 1974. The trick used in detecting neutralino could be used to look for gravitons – gravity´s hypothetical particles. If their missing energies turn out to have a particular set of values, it will be evidence that they partially, at least, exist in an undetected fifth dimension (the other four are length, breath, height and time.) That in turn will throw light on the complex field of string theory, which is the best available theory of everything even though it requires the existence of not five, but eleven dimensions.

Caverns and pipes in layers of rocks for the LHC experiments are not quite the same thing as when there was nothing. Rock is matter, caverns and pipes are spaces in space, and space and matter interfere with experiments by diluting the strength of the results. Something would always be hidden from us but we would keep finding enough to boast about and win the Nobel Prize. And when we do, when we find Higgs, locate energy and mass, detect neutralino and graviton, and unravel the complex field of string theory, we would still be left with the mystery of our being – the reality of the spirit world.

There is a higher science than is immediately available to man. It is locked in the scary death realm of nature. We could start to unlock it by carefully studying and understanding the ghost of our dead and hopefully eventually graduate to the higher energies. There are five original energies of creation. Four are known as the standard model. The fifth is in the death blind. We need to return from death to tell; I died more than a hundred times.

Recent Scientific Findings

Chemistry in space form life. Scientists have for a long while been focusing their life´s origin studies on earliest clay formations as templates and recently on a warm pool of liquid on the plant´s surface. Now new discoveries of planets around distance stars are changing this focus.

Apparently, “chemistry in space isn´t the chemistry most of us are trained for,” claims a recent study. “We should take a much bigger approach. Where are all the chemicals on the galaxy and its solar system and what can you do with them?” These were some to the questions a study co-coordinated by Rainer Glaser, a molecular chemist at the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA, set out to answer. Their findings were published in the September 2007 issue of the journal Astrobiology.

Using a computer to simulate the cold vacuum of space, Glaser and his colleagues found that clouds of adenine molecules (one of the four components the DNA use to store an organism´s genetic code) can form and survive the harsh conditions of space and possibly sprinkle onto planets as the stars they orbit travel through a galaxy.

Glaser´s team found that hydrogen cyanide (HCN) gas could build adenine. ”Like pieces in a set of tinker toys, hydrogen cyanide serve as adenine´s building blocks; the small molecules bond together into chains and, with a little wiggling, eventually assemble into rings. Although adenine´s first ring needs a tiny energy boost from starlight to form, Glaser said the second ring of the molecule self-assembles without any outside help. “When you want to have a reaction, you usually need to heat it up. It is remarkable to find a reaction that doesn´t require activation energy. If you do this reaction in space, this is a huge advantage because it takes a long time for a molecule to be hit by a piece of light.”

Adenine´s ringed shape helps to absorb and release any excess energy without breaking apart, making it stable enough to form concentrated clouds that planets can drift through. Glaser said the idea that two-ringed organic molecules like adenine formed in space may seem outrageous but current evidence leaves the possibility wide open.

Glaser wrote “you can find large molecules in meteorites, including adenine. We know that adenine can be made else where in the solar system, so why should one consider it impossible to make the building blocks somewhere in interstellar dust? There may be only a few molecules of adenine per square foot of space but over millions of years, enough could have accumulated to help make way for life.”

Antonio Lazcano, an evolutionary biologist at the National autonomous university of Mexico who has studied life origins for the past 30 years said Glaser and his colleagues´ work is compelling. We already know that hydrogen cyanide is abundant in interstellar clouds, and its been suggested that comets can bring some of that material into planets.” For Glaser and his team´s idea to be widely supported, however, adenine needs to be detected in the deep space clouds. “The likelihood of detection is very small, but its still possible. If astronomers can better eliminate background noise, I think we´ll have equipment sensitive enough to detect adenine dust clouds.”

Dust from space built our universe. Genesis was right, everything on earth, including humans and all the other solid objects in the solar system came form dust particles in orbit around the primitive sun. Modern space dust blows off stars formed some 10 billion years ago but these stars would have been too young to shed much dust by the time of the solar system formation 4.5 billion years ago so, where did the primordial dust come from. This was what Dr. Ciska Markwick-Kemper and her team of researchers at the University of Manchester, England, set out to unravel.

Dr. Markwick-Kemper´s team suspected that the quasars might be the source of the primordial dust. Quasars were formed shortly after the universe began and astronomers noticed them because quasars are powerful radio sources. The radio waves (and lots of other radiation) are the result of matter being drawn into the black hole which is at the centre of quasars. Dr. Markwick-Kemper´s team recruited ´Spitzer,´ a space telescope to look in details into the quasar called PG2112 + 059. Spitzer was tuned to pick up infra-red radiation – the sort of radiation emitted by dust that has been heated. The details of the spectrum of infra-red radiation given off by a speck of dust betrays its composition.

Dr. Markwick-Kemper´s team findings, reported in the November 2007 Astrophysical Journal Letters, suggest that the dust around PG2112 + 059 contains large quantities of rock-forming materials, including crystalline forms of silica (essentially, small sand grains) a form of aluminum oxide called corundum (better known as the principal ingredient of rubies and sapphires) and a form of magnesium oxide called periclase (which is present in marble.)

According to Dr. Markwick-Kemper´s team, these minerals must have been produced by the quasar because their crystal structures would not survive long in the hostile conditions of outer space. Cosmic rays would zap them into an amorphous glass-like state. Moreover, corundum and periclase have not been detected in space dust before. Their association with the quasar is, therefore, strong evidence that this is the object that created them.

Origin of the Spirit Force Field Theory

Just as Isaac Newton suddenly discovered gravity while observing a falling fruit, the secret of the spirit force field was revealed to me on Thursday the 11 September, 2003, at approximately 21:13 hours, Nigerian time, after eight years of subjecting available relevant knowledge in the sciences and the arts, including physics, chemistry, biology, geology, mysticism, ecology, algebra, mathematics, astrology, geometry, religion, cosmology, law, engineering, psychology, sociology, philosophy, history, economics, geography, spirituality, medicine, anthropology etc to rigorous scrutiny and going through excruciating spiritual and physical learning process and experiences to write ´The end of knowledge: a book lost and completely re-written four times.

The dream came, two months into my five years of being holed in, alone by myself in the isolation of my primitive farm hut, miles removed from even the most rudimentary resemblance of civilization. I deprived myself of every thing. When I died, I don´t know what I lived on, but when I lived, it was virtually on nothing. Details of the dream are provided later in this book. The dream in a nutshell demonstrated that dead energy is not wasted, it gives birth to energy of equal strength and magnitude with the dead energy, and that the death of the standard model forces in singularity, gave birth to the spirit force field. I worked tirelessly for the next five years after the dream to find the scientific support and language beyond the controversy and constraints of Einstein´s Big Bang theory to structure and anchor my dream. I continued to read widely because while my language needed to be simple enough to carry the unscientific minded along, it had to incorporate most of the relevant available knowledge up to this point in time, and for the first time in human history, blend religion with science.

The Egyptians worked with a unique energy, a subatomic particle that travels at about the speed of light. The energy (which we call Tu-SoS) is the glue of the universe. It is the bond between the spiritual and physical system of reality. With Tu-SoS´s motion, all motions have a path length of 2400m and unlike the electron spin; there is no centrifugal force and no gravity. There is what is known as Tu-SoS´s pairs in which the particles of the atom spiral are stored. The Tu-SoS´s pairs carry along side an electromagnetic charge. The three electromagnetic charges of Tu-SoS´s pairs are (+) positive (+) positive (+) positive paired with (-) negative (-) negative (-) negative.

I experimented with several possible origin scenarios until Martin Bojowald´s theory on the Big Bounce came to my rescue on July 1, 2007, by scientifically plugging the gap in the Big Bang theory with the Big Bounce. Other findings, including Rainer Gaiser´s DNA´s adenine, and Dr. Markwick-Kemper´s origin of dust particles´ theory, contributed in various ways to boost my confidence that nature still has much to teach mankind. I was finally able to wrap up my theories on the origin of the spirit force field on July 10, 2009.

Between October 2007 and 30 July, 2008, I lost this book in spiritually induced circumstances and painfully re-wrote it from scratch four times. I feel the fourth re-write is better than the earlier three. I knew everything by heart, making each re-write slightly easier.

(C) Osahon´s Theory on the Origin of the Spirit Force Field (Tu-SoS):

Energy escapes from expired energy, the waste materials of the energy or of the dead mass, in spaceless compact, is dark energy of which dark matter is part. Dark energy is the flip side of Einstein´s equation on ´Energy:´ E=mc2. Dark energy is, therefore, dE=mc2, where d stands for dark energy.

The beginning point of the universe had a minimum volume that is not zero and a maximum energy that is not infinite. With the concentration of oxygen and hydrogen at dielectric constant level, a minimum fraction of electric charge above stability level in a constantly whirling vortex of hydrogen and nitrogen ions in a dense electromagnetic field, at the centre of gravity and, therefore, of mass, resulted in an explosion (the First Bang) that triggered the emergence of the first universe.

The four original energies of nature: gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong nuclei (known in scientific circles as the standard model) acting in singularity, exploded and effervesced into a state of activity due to the formation of clumps, packets, pockets or bags of mixed heat, gas, vapour, air and liquid universe in ferment. A thick, globular, partly volatile, partly inflammable, liquid, air, gas. A smoldering, smoky, wobbly, heated smog, defining an ill-structured, fragile embryonic space. It manifested about 13.7 billion years ago, occupying a not too well structured space that in a couple of years of space time geometry, contracted to the pull of gravity, bounced and exploded massively in the magnitude of the Big Bang, now known as the Big Bounce, to herald our universe that has kept expanding since.

Scientists claim that light nuclei was the only element formed immediately after the Big Bang and as an after thought, they admit that cold gas and dust were formed with the light nuclei. Their Big Bang was a wobbly universe which we now call the First Bang. The Big Bounce had the properties they have described but light is impossible without fire and where there is fire, there must be smoke. The fire and smoke of the Big Bounce seem to be lost today to cosmic memory but they contributed to the formation of the clouds, sky, and the eerie force of mind and spirit produced from the localized lumps of dark energy that escaped from the Big Bounce to create solid space and time. There was nothing, not even God, before the First Bang or Big Bounce.

Quarks materialized from the dark energy to form a quark-gluon plasma in which quarks were not yet bound together into other types of elementary particles because the four forces that gave birth to the dark energy – electromagnetic, weak, strong nuclei and gravitation – were still in unitary state. As the forces began to separate from each other, the universe began to expand and get bigger and cool. Shortly after the expansion began, the universe was very hot and dense. Matter and radiation interacted strongly with each other at this point and the universe was opaque. The enormous dark and dense energy formed, provided a fundamental symmetry of nature which, of course, gradually disappeared as the universe began to age and become less energetic.

As the universe expanded, it became less dense at a few thousand years old when it had cooled to the point where protons and electrons were moving slowly to bind each other and form hydrogen atoms. This allowed the universe to become transparent and radiation to be freed and to fly. This is seen today as a very uniform-long-wavelength radiation coming from outer space, and is tagged the cosmic microwave background radiation.

Studies have confirmed that the cosmic background radiation was set free about 389,000 years after the First Bang, which is later than previously thought. Also, the first star was formed 200 million years after the First Bang, which is earlier than previously assumed. The lumps of dark matter were the seeds from which galaxies and clusters of galaxies formed. The constituent of dark matter at this early stage could not have included neutrino in sufficient quantities to contribute to dark matter´s structuring of the universe. Neutrinos became abundant after stars had formed. Neutrinos are even too energetic to have helped seed the process of star and galaxy formation. Other form of dark matter known as anisotropies are believed to have contributed to star and galaxy formation. Anisotropy lumps have been detected in the cosmic microwave background radiation.

For anisotropies to have formed in the early universe, a large component of slower, cold dark matter must have been present. It is believed that an exotic form of cold dark matter exists. This form is not baryonic like the rest of cold dark matter because like neutrinos, it barely interacts with ordinary matter. It is some type of massive particles, similar to what scientists call WIMPs (meaning weakly interacting massive particles). This is where the ´Spirit Force Field´ is to be found.

Astronomers detected the effects of dark matter and dark energy on ardinary matter but the nature of each remains mysterious. Dark matter is made up of hot and cold dark matter. While the hot dark matter consists of protons and electrons that combine to form hydrogen, cold dark matter is made up of protons and neutrons, the subatomic particles known as baryon that make up ordinary matter. When cold dark matter combines with electrons, it forms atoms.

Baryonic cold dark matter could be found in celestial objects that were not massive enough to innitiate the fusion processes that make stars shine. It also could be made of matter that collapsed to form dense objects such as neutrons of stars or even black holes (objects so dense that not even light can escape their gravitational field). Such objects are collectively referred to as MACHOs, which means “massive compact halo objects.

Only 4% of dark or mass energy of the universe is made up of baryonic or living things on earth; 23% of the energy is hot dark matter, the remaining 73% is composed of something else, a substance so mysterious that no body knows much about it. The substance provides the anti-gravity-like negative pressure that causes the universe´s expansion to accelerate rather than slow down. Dark energy is the fifth energy of nature after the standard model, and the ´Spirit Force Field´ particles reside there in relative minor percentage of the dark energy at perhaps less than 4% of the entire dark energy field because it attaches to baryonic to facilitate life. The seeming nebulous or phantom energy is ethereal in nature, and is concealed and living in the fifth dimension, the other four being, length, breadth, height and time. The remaining six of the eleven dimensions of the string theory are expected to be neighbours of the fifth in the dense dark energy field.

While the other four energies that created dark energy could involuntarily die now and again in singularity, the fifth energy and the spirit force field never die. The spirit force field revolves at about the speed of light at source, and less than the speed of light when it manifests into various characteristics, in our environment. One of its principal particles in our environment is the neutrino in ether atom. Neutrino is without mass and is extremely small, varied in character, and porous.

African metaphysics perceive the relation of causes and effects. Their philosophy abolishes the terrifying power of death; realize that life depends upon an invisible energy both in man and in the universe, and that the unmanifested power produced the objective universe. They believe in both the visible and invisible powers at work in Nature and that every phenomenon, physical or super physical, is related to law of cause and effect that could be examined and classified. The Greeks symbolized the African spiritually identified epochs as the five base elements of the cosmos with geometric figures, with the crescent for air; the cube for earth; the sphere for water; the triangle for fire and the candle-flame tip for aether which for them was a plane still to manifest. The five symbols compress into two in most of their activities, with fire representing the spiritual realm, and water mortal or earthly man.

(C1) Osahon´s theory on harmony in nature.

The Dark Energy along with the Spirit Force Field whip matter and all else in the universe into a contained, orderly, harmonious whole.

The spirit force field (Tu-SoS) spinning at about the speed of light is like a sea of consciousness in which all vacuum particles swim. It is porous and yet has a mechanistic grip on matter duplicating all forms and holding (along with dark energy) the entire universe together in harmony. In our environment, the spirit force field manifest as ether.

Scientists confirm that ´ether´ fills the entire universe but they are not very sure how it works. They know it obeys physical laws. It is simple, homogeneous in essence and remains invariable throughout and always. It interacts with ordinary matter and helps to determine much of its properties and the properties of space. It contributes significantly to the properties of particles and because it is porous, all particles pass through it. Its properties resemble gas atoms and although they appear similar to ordinary atoms, they are a lot smaller. Ether in our environment, reacts, mixes or ferments in all sorts of permutations, formations, configurations, proportions and compositions with various other forces, energies, gases, particles and elements, individually, collectively or in group formations, in and out of space, to assume or wear a myriad of characteristics, forms, and garbs. Many of the forms and characteristics are phantom-like, such as spirits and ghosts, which although are familiar, defy investigation, because of the porous nature of ether´s various particles. But we know some of the things ´ether´ can do.

Ether is the medium through which light and radio waves are transmitted. It pervades space and fills up the gaps between particles of air and other matter. It promotes creativity in nature by energizing matter and facilitating dialogue between the elements, based on stored memory. Ether plays a significant part in what David Bohm describes as the holomovement in space. Bohm says the holomovement folds and unfolds in a perpetual dance of creating and recreating and that it is constantly renewing itself and absorbing new ideas to adapt to environment and situations. Rubert Sheldrake says that in quantum mechanics there are fields of information in the wave function and super quantum fields, which organize the quantum field itself. That when the space-time meanings and the super (electric) wave function field contact each other all sorts of relevant meanings could result.

Mystics say karma is an energy field of information in the belly of the universe serving as a data bank. What scientists and spiritualists are describing in their various ways is ´ether,´ the energy field of information and consciousness. Every particle whether quark or lepton deposits information in ´ether,´ which in turn breaths consciousness into matter. Once things are formed or have happened, whether naturally or by chance, the code is stored away in ether´s memory bank to be re-called and used again and again, with those things not detrimental to the rhythm and order in nature, surviving to further evolve, while the others atrophy, die, or disappear along the line, because their mathematics do not add up as in two plus two equals four.

(C2) Osahon´s Theory on the Origin of God.

´God´ was an accident of birth.

While we at the moment lack the scientific expertise to investigate the properties and activities of the ghost of dead mass or matter, for that matter, we know that ghost is the immediate aftermath of death and so could not have triggered the ´First Bang´ or the ´Big Bounce.´ Rather, it is part of the fifth energy (the dark energy) created by the original explosions of the standard model. The spirit force field was, therefore, an accident or birth. It originated from the sudden death of the initial quantum energy of the universe, triggered by a simple accidental algebraic equation that evolved into the complex, iron-clad, interlocking mathematical laws weaving an endless tapestry or stream of ingenuous events and creativity in the universe in collaboration with hot dark matter. Mathematics, therefore, is mankind´s obscure and intimidating God; the brilliant language of nature. But the human mind insists that a thinking something commands events in nature to happen and that the benevolent culprit, in the case of the origin of things, is God.

The truth is that accidental equation triggered the ´First Bang´ and also the ´Big Bounce,´ and mathematics is not God as understood or defined by humans. The confusion is due to our poor knowledge and understanding of how nature works or how the elements of nature talk to one another. Humans, animals, insects or birds are not the only ones that think or talk. Plants, darkness, rain, air, the earth, the void, all communicate through electromagnetism. When a seed is planted, the seed immediately begins to communicate with the natural elements around it, in search of water, air (carbon dioxide) light (heat) and rich soil. Communication, incorporating mathematical logic, is going on all the time between particles and elements in close proximity, and the seed gets, for its sustenance and growth (depending on its peculiar location, environment and circumstance) what is possible from the available elements in the vicinity. The negatively and positively charged properties, (contracting, cooling broadcasting, exploding) of the four original energies of the universe, in quantum state, did not need any more prodding than the temporary accommodation in each other´s company, at zero spaceless compact point, and a sudden common language in the explosive mathematics that accidentally triggered the evolution of the spirit force field.

The Jews where close to this knowledge but sounded mysterious and far fetched to the ordinary ear. Kabbalah claims that: “The cosmos is energy. En-Sof (our Tu-SoS) contains all the polarities of energies, male and female, hot and cold, light and darkness. The Sefiroth are the empty vessels into which En-Sof poured active principles in form of points of light. Original energy principle creates forms for its possible containment. Traces of this energy source are contained in all things and particularly in living organisms. The Sefiroth symbolizes the numerical grades of the supreme principles of cosmic harmony.”

The famous Jewish scholar, Nicholas Cusa, confirmed that there are a set of numbers beyond our knowledge. “Number is the first model of things in the mind of the Creator. …Mathematics is placed in a field of knowledge between two complementary poles: one the world of reality called exterior, the other, interior. These two worlds are beyond consciousness. They are graspable as such but their imprints appear in the field of consciousness. Mathematics shows the double imprint.”

The problem Scientists have been having resolving the issue of creation appears to be due to their inability to subject the ´Spirit´ equation to experimentation because of the presence of space, time and mass, and the lack of courage in admitting to themselves that their ´Awesome, Almighty God,´ like the universe itself, is an accident of birth after all. The ´Fifth´ energy (Tu-SoS) did not start the process of creation. It emerged from that first outburst of the standard model in singularity, to record it, and control, permeate, and influence every atom since. Every atom including man, is linked to the ´Spirit´ energy, and has been contributing to the awesomeness in spirit and creativity without respite by being something and doing something however small. Beyond these facts, it is also possible that scientists are scared of what they might find at the heart of ´Tu-SoS,´ which definitely is not the notion of God as we understand it, but a kind of consciousness informing all other energies, as the Africans and the mystics have always hinted. However, scientists have abandoned ´ether´ studies that would have led them to Tu-SoS, for the less controversial ´vacuum of virtual particles,´ which is the current storm of scientific research worldwide.

In any case, why do we expect the ´Spirit Force Field´ (Tu-SoS) to look like us when matter at source does not, and yet we are made largely of matter? Particles, whether of matter or the Spirit Force Field, evolve into a mirage of characteristics, looking nothing like their original source. The folly of our thinking is crowned with bloated ego. Ants, trees, goats, the sun, have spirit elements and could claim that God is in their images too? Humans are not the smartest objects in the universe. Even in our solar system, the sun is more important than humans because if it dies, all living matter in our planet would die because water would evaporate.

(C3) Osahon´s theory on which came first, spirit or matter?

Spirit came first and has been attaching to every living matter.

It took 389,000 years for the universe to cool down enough for electrons to find a place around a nucleus. Matter is the result of that cooling effect and is the substance of the universe. Matter is composed of tiny particles frozen or condensed by light into patterns moving back and forth at average speeds which are less than the speed of light. Matter´s particles are known as atoms and as they are cured or conditioned in vacuum, breaking from matter, join together to form chemical patterns (to create the animate and inanimate objects) of the universe, including man. Although the spirit force field is every where at once in our emvironment as ether, it sheds parts of itself to attach in appropriate measure, shape or size, like a halo, or invisible fog or transparent film, to every atom that needs life, as the facilitating life-giver or energizing battery.

Scientists say that ´ether´ exists as ethereal double, a kind of violet-grey gas or aura, enveloping or attaching to all living things. Trees, shrubs, animals, insects, birds, every atom that lives and grows, has spirit. It is the halo or film shielding the trunks and leaves of trees, or attached to bodies of birds, insects and animals. Without spirit, matter, which although could be charged electrically, cannot grow.

Science confirms that all living forms are electrodynamic fields surrounded by similar fields forming a matrix or mould to control growth and repair the physical form. The energy field keeps the body alive and links it with feelings, thoughts and astral forces. The energy field can be recorded with the help of electronic lenses connected to a high frequency generator. Russian scientists have used what they call the Kirlian type photography to detect the plasmic states of organism in plants and animals and to see part of the aura or ethereal double. The ethereal double is one unified body of electromagnetic field, which the Russian scientists call, “Biological Plasmic Body.” The Kirlian photographs of objects such as hands and leaves reveal a variety of sparks, colours and flares transmitting from the object. Fresh leaves show strong vibrancy of the energy pulses while dry leaves produce nothing. A rested quiet tempered man´s fingers show even distribution of energy activities, while tired fingers´ heightened vibrancy, suggests escaping energy. Photograph of a whole fresh leaf show phantom energy field surrounding it while that of a similar leaf with a part of it cut-off, show the full original energy outline, but with the energy activities weaker from the cut-off portion.

The ethereal double occupies space some inches from the physical body like a transparent film, screen or shield. All the spiritual movements of the world are familiar with it. In Hinduism, it is claimed that on the surface of the ethereal double, in the case of humans, there are seven charkas or points of connection to the body. Energy flows through the charkas to the body. In a spiritually developed body, such energy points are flaming swirls of radiation.

In the spiritually underdeveloped body, they form sluggishly revolving, dim, two-inch deep circular depressions. The seven maelstroms rotate endlessly, each connecting to the spine by a tube-like structure. Energy from the spirit world flows into man through those vortices. Each ´turning wheel´ or ´chakra´ has its peculiar force, spread and function.

Clairvoyants say the vortices in a healthy, active, spiritually developed person, blaze as purls of radiation whereas in the less developed person, the vortices appear as circular, sluggish moving two-inch depressions. Medium who can see the ethereal double, divine by it. They say it contains all the information (past, present and future) about the person. So, everything about us can be gleaned from our spirit double. It is like carrying a placard containing our lives´ history about with us for the public to read.

Of the seven charkas, two are at the lower level. The first receives its vitality from the sun. The second is called the ´Kundaline force,´ or the ´Serpent fire.´ It flows along the nerves and distributes its nerve fluid all over the body for daily use. In medical science, the Kundaline force is recognized as the cerebro-spinal fluid. It is spiritual and when activated, the force is volatile, speeding up through the central tube of the spinal cord and the two strands bestriding the cord.

There are three centers above the first two charkas. The third receives vitality from the solar plexus and affects emotions and feelings. The fourth is over the heart and receives ideas from exalted astral forces. The throat vortex is the fifth, and is affected by mental forces. The ´third eye´ is linked with the sixth center and is between the eyebrows. “Lotus of a thousand petals,” describes the seventh force, which is at the crown. It is the last to develop.

Each charka, when developed, keeps the physical body fully active in line with their corresponding celestial facilities. All these spiritual activities on our physical bodies are not strange to medical science although they describe the activities in medical terms. They tell us that we breathe in ´ether´ with oxygen, to nourish our nerve sense and enrich our blood with nitric oxide to dilate our arteries, to facilitate increased blood flow. Breathing it out, enhances our metabolism, and when out, mixes with carbon to become carbon dioxide, to nourish plants and other life forms in nature´s continuous evolutionary circle of activities.

In science, we learn that light waves enter our eyes through ´ether´ to the sphere of our senses for sight, hearing, smell, taste, organs of warmth etc., to launch a chemical process carried through our muscles to sensitize the relevant organs of the body.

Spirit´s electromagnetic link in humans is the umbilical cord, and it ties all humans together from the first in history to the latest baby born any where in the world. As with humans, so with other animals, plants etc., that need or have life. Members of each specie are tied together by a special spiritual cord or root, from the individual first source to the latest, youngest of the specie.

(C4) Osahon´s theory on spirit or soul permeating the physical body.

Spirit through soul cannot saturate the human body until matter has died within the body. The soul element in humans moves in the body, along the nerve channels of lifeless matter.

Ether is sensitive and communicative. We know this because of the endless escapades of spirits around us. Ether helps to convey messages between particles and also between humans, the elements and the spirits, as in, for instance, sacrificially laced prayers, magic or witchcraft. If natural elements, including leaves, plants, barks of trees, roots, blood, even water, air, earth and fire are (put together, mixed, brewed, blended, fermented) in correct proportions and accompanied with carefully chosen messages (words) because it would happen exactly as spoken, you trigger the attention of ether´s spirit elements for dialogue and use.

Kabbalah knows the power of words: “The secret world of the godhead is a world of language, a world of divine names that unfold in accordance with a law of their own. …..Letters and names are not only conventional means of communication. They are more. Each one of them represents a concentration of energy and expresses a wealth of meaning, which cannot be translated or not fully at least, into human language.”

With words, you can make things that others may see as miracles happen. You could move mountains, but you must first reach a level of spiritual energy and sagacity. Providing more information than this would prematurely turn all and sundry into demy-gods, dangerous to themselves, communalism and globalization, the anchors of modern civilization. Spirituality nurtures gradually at peculiar one-on-one pace, because while we are all potential gods in our own rights, and masters of our individual fates, we each have responsibility for the well-being of others. Religion creates dichotomy between ´Gods´ and humans, to foster the master or select elite syndrome, numb the minds of followers, to raise a loyal tribe of mindless servants, useful as idiots.

All forms, including humans, gain certain capacities as they evolve through mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. Humans are spirits at less than the speed of ghosts, and are at the lowest level of the spiritual energy field, but can grow. Spiritual movements divide the spiritual learning field humans have to traverse into five plateaus. What they call the Astral field is at the lowest level, and that is where most humans are.

This is the level of materialism: money, technology, magic, decadence. Most religious leaders operate at this level and can hardly ever rise above it because of avarice. They restrict their followers mentally and physically to the level, due to the leaders´ limited spiritual advancement knowledge and self-indulgence. The next plane is the Causal field or the plateau of the karmic law. In other words, the cause and effect region. This iron clad natural law, insists that you reap what you sew. For universal harmony, therefore, every living atom pays its due.

The third region is the Ethereal field where all records are kept. Knowledge of divination, dream alert, premonitions and clairvoyance gifts hold sway here. It is like a museum of all the happenings in the universe and our individual ethereal double links with it. To reach this level to interpret happening, predict events, and grow further spiritually, the human organs must ferment, (almost die or die and reincarnate) to allow the spirit energy to fully saturate the nerve channels of the lifeless matter in the body. This is what the alchemic process is about. It synchronizes our physical body with our spiritual double through informed cleansing habits, fasting, meditation, self-sacrifices, self-discipline and sharing. The process prepares the body as the sepulcher of the spirit, or turns the body into the philosopher´s stone.

The fourth level is the Mental field for creators, innovators and geniuses. These are people we recognize as sages, the wise ones or scientific wizards etc. The plane is separated from the final one by a dark void. Any one who manages to break through the dark void and survives is illuminated and emerges into the final place of light.

The final plane is the Soul plane. It is the region of bliss and total enjoyment. That is why spiritualists say the one with ultimate spiritual power is the supreme enjoyer. In the Soul plane, you lose all need of care and fear. You lack for nothing. Whatever you ask, you get. You are a god among men. The spirit energy virtually takes you by the hand to all the wonderful hidden natural paradises of the universe. The few who get there hardly ever want to return to our mundane, ugly, punishing world. They continue their spiritually disciplined lives to be able to return to the abode of spiritual bliss again and again at will.

Spiritualists have been right all along to see evolution or creation in stages, with the final period (i.e. the Fifth energy or element) unknown, unnamed, unmanifested, (but according to some) to come at end times. End times obviously meant unknowable, unsolvable, because time and space have been created by the first Big Bang to make it impossible to repeat the (beyond speed of light) speed of the ´Spirit Force Field.´ The same way the Standard Model was killed to release the Fifth energy or the ´Spirit Force Field´ and the Genesis of matter, all the spiritual movements know too that if we deaden our body organs well enough´ (i.e. reach timelessness or kill or weld our four individual elements of water, fire, earth and air into one, to achieve the philosopher´s stone) we could free our fifth element and reach the Genesis of matter.

We could then each visit the Spirit Force Field (energy) chambers for spiritual rejuvenation and self-fulfillment and return at will. Many are doing so already playing gods among men. To put it in the layman´s language, the mystical state is a dying or death state. The categorically spiritual exists at the death state of matter. All human organs must die (be starved of food and nutrient) to release the fifth energy in man, which is the spirit. That is why it is so difficult for everyman to experience it.

A baby, one second after birth is almost totally spiritual. Every second it adds to life (eating and being nurtured) makes it less spiritual. So too is the death state. The further away from dying state your organs are, the more difficult it is to activate your spiritual essence.

Thoth (the African, known as Hemes Trismegistus in the West) invented the process called alchemy. Thoth lived about 7,000 years ago and taught mankind how to get to the land of bliss through the ten-step-process of alchemy. Thoth said, every existing thing is composed of four elements, (Fire, Water, Air and Earth) in unison. Each element in turn consists of two qualities as follows: Fire (dryness and heat) Water (moistness and coldness) Air (heat and moistness) Earth (moistness and dryness.) An element may change into another by substituting one quality for another. For example, if coldness is replaced with heat in water, it changes into air (vapour.) In the same way, transmutation is possible in the human stone through images symbolic of death such as torturing, killing, separating etc. The prime matter is possible only by the reduction of each element to its essence and combined with other refined elements to reach the chaotic state of original matter i.e. Genesis. The seed of things could then be treated in a warm vessel or womb of resurrection of what had been killed. By freeing and purifying ones own spirits, a reciprocal event occurs in nature, but this could not be done without first creating the philosopher´s stone. This is the fifth element; the Prime matter of the world, the Fiat, which is the Word, the Pneumatic Logo, the Spirit Force Field, called Tu-SoS, and which potentially is within the capacity of every man.

As man develops spiritually, he would be able to journey through space by just closing his eyes and willing or commanding it to happen. The spiritually powerful, whether acquired naturally as a gift of nature or through the alchemic process, can do things others would consider miracles. They can send own or other people´s spirits away from the body at will on errands or operations to any point in the world. The great ones tap into specific cosmic melodies other people around them cannot hear. They create in the way we attribute to the Gods. Words and numbers carry various spiritual energy properties, and reflect the command (or mathematical) principle of creation. Manipulation of these energies by adepts and sages produce the melodies or tunes to play ´God.´

(C5) Osahon´s theory on what happens to spirit after the death of the physical body,

Spirit and soul unite to become one and detaches from its dead body or dead matter to try to return to the spirit world.

Spirit detaches at death of its physical body, to return where possible, to the spirit world. This is the craving of all spirits, with the most spiritually gifted of them, when attached to physical human bodies, hijacking or usurping the positions of the numerous Gods and deities humans create largely out of fear of the unknown, helpless veneration, and worship.

Yes, there are Gods; humans create them and not the other way around.
Humans, therefore, do not have any business worshipping their own creations. We can admire them, show them off even, and we can ignore them. We definitely can cohabit side by side with our Gods, with mutual respect for each other´s limitations, but we do not need to worship them.

The choice is entirely that of the individual person to make though. There is a ´Spirit world´ as distinct from the ´Spirit force field.´ I suppose we could call the ´Spirit world´ heaven. It is in parallel orbit with our world. It was not there from the advent of the ´Spirit force field. It is like a half way house to the ´Spirit force field.´ It developed from when humans and other elements of nature that have spirits, began to die and could not transit immediately to the ´Spirit force field.´

In the spirit world, there is no racism, leaders and icons are classed by the degree of their spiritual prowess. The current king of what might be called the African spirit world is my Genie. Baba Kola, who calls me son, is to the spirit world, what Barack Obama is to our world. Spirits live in great mansions, estates and dwellings like ours; go to work, party and play; wear clothes (white on solemn or ceremonial occasions); own cars and telephones; continue with their dead marriage partners and children from earth. The kids go to school or play football and other games. In short, spirits live identical lives with ours except that they do not have churches and mosques. Their spirituality is anchored on what we on earth describe as witchcraft, which in truth, is the spiritual cleanliness and adeptship of the individual spirit, based on the life lived on earth moment by moment, day by day, close to nature. Spirits judge their new arrivals individually and harshly over the period spent in the world, and punish the guilty in grades that rise in range, from the minimum of permanent ostracization, constant public ridicule and jeering.

(C6) Osahon´s theory on stranded spirits and ghosts.

Stranded spirits are revolving at less than the speed of spirits and cannot transist to the spirit world until they acquire the speed of spirit.

The Spirit Force Field, Tu-SoS, (or the Fifth energy of nature) revolves at speed beyond the speed of light. Ether particles revolve at the speed of gravity and, therefore, of light. Spirits revolve at less than the speed of light and ghosts revolve at speeds less than that of spirits, that is why we sometimes see the apparitions called ghosts. We see them, when we do, because they are revolving at speeds just a little above that of physical human bodies, which is one of the lowest revolving speeds of the living elements of nature. Ghosts have to achieve the full speed of spirits to be able to transit to the spirit world and this is impossible until they can free themselves from their human or physical ties. Most spirits operating in our world are, therefore, ghosts largely willingly or struggling or unable to acquire the speed of spirits.

(C7) Osahon´s theory on aggrieved spirits or spirits denied proper burial.

Aggrieved spirits and spirits denied proper burial are ghosts and ghosts are spirits that have not or cannot acquired the speed of spirits.

Some ghosts voluntarily stay around us to cause havoc. By and large, ghosts stay around their dead physical bodies until properly buried. Ghosts cannot easily return to the ´Spirit world´ until all the relevant people the spirit/human loved, particularly the children, represented significantly by the oldest, show appreciation or forgiveness, for the life spent here by the dead, by individually or collectively with others, mourning the death in celebrative feasting, or ritual traditions and established ethos of the family. Stranded spirits or ghosts continue to haunt the world of the living and are the ones that tend to cause pains in the lives of those who had hurt them severely or they had hurt when alive and are refusing, or unaware, or unable to, at least, symbolically or ritually send them off with token ceremonies. Those they love, they continue to guide and protect where possible and those they hate, they keep hurting with illness and blocked fortunes. They do these, often from close proximity that could include twiddling cheeks, arms, legs of subjects to tease or alert; attachments to bodies of those they love or hate, like arms wrapped around their waists or legs or as intangible crawling sensation on the fringes of the hair on heads to attract or plead for attention of loved ones or work towards retarding progress of foes.

Ghosts can also attach themselves to parts of body (say ribs or stomachs) without displacing the bodies´ resident spirits. They can enter the nose, ears of the living, attach themselves to inanimate things such as totems or idols of worship, trees, or spots in vegetation, forests, river banks, street junctions, market places, hill sides or tops, abandoned homes, vacant lots, cemeteries; roam without attachment and live like wretched paupers or beggars, exposed perpetually to the vagaries of the weather and other hostile environmental elements.

Most times they take on the spirits of birds. Species of the birds include: the owl; ´eleye´ the dove; ´eyeagba,´ which is supreme; lantoro, a tiny specie, popular with spirits and sings like the cricket; ´osere´ with long beak and sharp short squicks, and the sparrow. The spirit birds deliver messages, ailments; foretell, cure, warn, serenade or disturb their object of attention from close proximity, at dawn and sunset daily, at least, until gotten rid of. Ghosts can contract to pin point to attach to bodies of domestic animals, flies, ants, cockroaches, insects, in homes to interfere with thoughts, attack with ailments, poison water or food. They can attach to fishes, crocodiles etc., in waters, to perform miracles; and can transform, long term or temporarily, and at will, between species.

Although we often do not see ghosts/spirits with the naked eyes, our pets (cats, dogs) see and react in the presence of ghosts or spirits. Dogs bark repeatedly, cats recoil or sit still and watch with fixed attention as if paralyzed or trying to psyche, and cocks crow endlessly out of natural order, day or night. Apart from the spirits of the dead, spirits of the living who have the spiritual know how, can leave their physical bodies and attach temporarily or permanently to animate or inanimate bodies or compete with body spirits that are weak, helpless, absent or willing to share or swap places with them.

(C8) Osahon´s theory on reincarnation.

Spirits reincarnate.

Spirits reincarnate through mineral, vegetable and animal forms. In humans, reincarnation takes place when the spirit of the dead relocates to that of another living human body or the baby being delivered from the womb. Although all spirits can reincarnate, not all do so immediately their physical bodies die. They mostly tend to reincarnate by the age of great great grand parents in the spirit world.

(C9) Osahon´s theory on how spirits communicate with humans.

Spirits use dream to reach us.

All spirits, whether stranded or not, enter our dreams at will and usually in the image and age we remember them. Spirits and ghosts can influence the direction of our thoughts if our body spirits allow. Loved ones always come, looking younger and prettier than when they left us. This is to demonstrate their abiding love for us and also so as not to frighten us. Because of the need not to frighten us, they sometimes send messages through dreams of close associates to us. If we are strong enough spiritually, they do not hesitate to come to our dreams, particularly when the message is urgent and critical. They come more often to us when we recognize and appreciate them and invite their assistance and attention. Evil spirits, come looking evil, repulsive, ugly like the devil, maimed one way or the other, and they trick us to drink or eat something from them, or have sex with them, all in attempt to kill, hurt or maim us, or weaken our spirits and defences for their attack. The sex is to weaken us or have devil child for us to keep attacking us.

Ghosts (or stranded spirits) invade our dreams and affect our thought processes more often and directly than those that have successfully transited to the spirit world, because they are around us, and have issues to settle with us. We do not need to be scared because we can talk back or cooperate, depending on the mission of the visiting ghosts. We can use spiritual means or natural elements to remove them from continuing to disturb us. Natural elements brewed in correct proportions, sometimes could do it, if we seek help.

For spirit flies that buzz in our ears to disturb our sleep, cockroaches, insects that fly at us in unlikely places or drop in our food or drinking water, particularly between mid-night and 3 am, we could attack them with insect repellants. For spirit birds, catapults sometimes come handy. Once killed in this way, they die at source if still alive or become helpless to continue attacking us

(C10) Osahon´s theory on how spirits know what we think.

Spirits read our thoughts and see our lives rolled out backward and forward like a film.

All spirits, stranded or not, can read our thoughts; see our lives played out like a video film backward and forward. They see what would happen to us years ahead, when we are still rooted in the present. All spirits, all ghosts, can watch our doings even at our most secret and intimate moments. This is the advantage they have over the living and which frightens us of them. All diviners and religionists who claim to see or predict happenings, regardless of medium, consult and divine through their adopted spirits or spirits that adopt them. It is the spirits of the dead that deliver messages to diviners, regardless of the medium: church, mosque, cults, secret societies, or shrines.

(C11) Osahon´s theory on who humans pray to.

All humans pray to their ancestors, not ´God.´

All spirits can hurt or help the living, some more so than others. The more spiritually gifted ones are turned to Gods by the living seeking their intervention. When we pray, it is to our guardian spirits, the spirits that know us individually and care about us, such as of our dead parents, husbands, wives, siblings, children and close relatives that we pour out our hearts, without knowing that this is what we are doing. They are the only ones, whose listening devices or antennae are permanently tuned to us individually, and whose acute undivided attention, is forever fixed on us. They are the only ones who take our prayers to heart because they know us intimately and care. They are the ones who try to help as best as possible, despite difficult physical barriers and constraints. They are the only ones who come, and can come quickly to our aid, because they have a stake in our welfare and well-being. In some cases, they act out of guilt feeling of having left us abruptly, or so soon before fulfilling certain obligations and commitments owed us. Spirits cannot put money in our hands physically while we are awake, but can do it symbolically in dreams, or bring us luck in business, or introduce us to someone to help us in our endeavours.

Modern religions, as against spirituality, discourage us from giving credit to whom credit is due because religion is a gigantic money spinning industry requiring crowds of dedicated, selfless, helpless, followers, paying tithes and providing finances to the exclusive benefit of a select elite. The leaders brainwash us into giving with unquestioning loyalty and submission, and to credit their Gods solely with all our good fortunes, and blame ours or the devil exclusively for all our misfortunes. But all Gods are man-made, and since all the Gods and spirits in the universe cannot solve all of mankind´s problems that keep increasing daily, all at once, spirits start by first taking care of their own, naturally.

(C12) Osahon´s theory on the number of the spirit force field.

The spirit force field is only one, it has no duplicate.

Most scientists agree that our constellation is only a baby and that there may have been others before ours. That the marriage of atomic and other forces that brought our firmament into being repeats itself ad infinitum, and depending on intensity, creates new matter, other pockets of energies, and explosions. Definitely, further explosions of the original four principal energies of nature have continued by accident after the Big Bounce, to keep the universe expanding, including the explosion that created our solar system 4.6 billion years ago. Because these Baby Bangs are happening after space and matter have formed, the spirit force fields the Baby Bangs give birth to, are contaminated ´ghost force fields,´ weak and diluted. Space and matter interfere with their strength and speed and so are absorbed after a process of refinement, by the original, solid, powerful, revolving at about the speed of light ´Spirit force field.´ This is a good thing because otherwise, conflicting and competing ´Spirit force fields´ would have resulted in more than one universe, and contradicting and confusing natural order of things.

NAIWU OSAHON Hon. Khu Mkuu (Leader, World Pan-African Movement); Ameer Spiritual (Spiritual Prince) of the African race;  MSc. (Salford); Dip.M.S; G.I.P.M; Dip.I.A (Liv.); D. Inst. M; G. Inst. M; G.I.W.M; A.M.N.I.M. Poet, Author of the magnum opus: The end of knowledge.  One of the worlds leading authors of childrens books; Awarded; key to the city of MemphisTennesseeUSA; Honourary Councilmanship, Memphis City Council; Honourary Citizenship, Countyof Shelby; Honourary Commissionership, County of ShelbyTennessee; and a silver shield trophy by Morehouse College, USA, for activities to unite and uplift the  African race.

Naiwu Osahon, renowned author, philosopher of science, mystique, leader of the world Pan-African Movement.

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